Example sentences of "she wait for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She waited for Harry to beckon to her .
2 As she waited for sleep , Dot thought she saw the face of the coat-owner gazing out of the dark with a complexion as pale and refined as tissue-paper .
3 Perhaps nothing , but as she waited for money which did n't seem to be coming , it was fairly certain the crash was going to mean something .
4 Culley imagined Susan 's gleeful smile as she waited for Yorke to work it out .
5 She felt she was in a private hell of her own on Saturday morning while she waited for Naylor to call .
6 Rosalba prayed , often , these days while she waited for Tommaso 's return to Rupe and the walk they would take together , as he had told Caterina they would , and she applied herself to acquiring those skills at crochet , at knitting , at pattern cutting and sewing that Fantina learned from her sisters , who were themselves taught by Auntie Rosa , later , in America .
7 As she waited for Lally 's return from the bathroom , Nicandra sat on the thick rag hearthrug that Nannie had made .
8 By ten to two she had deposited the larger of her two suitcases , had partaken of a cheese sandwich and a cup of coffee and , seated in the hotel lounge , and with time to kill while she waited for Ven , she was again being plagued by the vexed question of that abominable interview .
9 She waited for realisation , for pain to smite her .
10 She waited for Jean , his girlfriend , to go to the Ladies , and then pounced , flirting madly and manoeuvring him into bartering with her that he would buy two whole strips if she would have a dance with him .
11 She waited for Mandy in the main foyer .
12 She waited for Luke to laugh .
13 The last step but one creaked protestingly and she grimaced apprehensively , her body almost turning to stone as she waited for Dane to suddenly appear and demand to know what she was doing .
14 The sounds mingled in her mind with the harsh cries of the birds as she waited for Sybil to pick up the phone again .
15 On the road again , she waited for Thomas to go to sleep .
16 The car was locked , and she was forced to sit on a low wall that surrounded the garden while she waited for David to return .
17 She waited for nightfall .
18 She waited for George to answer , but he sat hunched beside her , turning a gold pencil in his fingers .
19 She knew as she waited for Reception to ring her back that it could well be , if Cara had been in touch with her parents , that she stood to come off the phone feeling worse than ever .
20 A memory of the day mentioned by Joanna stirred at the back of her mind , but , not daring to examine it , she waited for Joanna to say something .
21 She waited for morning , the words playing through her mind and keeping her from sleep .
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