Example sentences of "she stand [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She stands for a long moment .
2 If you are to be awkward then my mother will not know where she stands for a good deal of time . ’
3 She stands for the civilization of the South , of the Midi , the home of the troubadours , against the sterner , rougher , cruder world of the North , represented , in this image , by her husband , the King of the North Wind , whose authority she is subtly undermining and against whom she will soon break out in open rebellion .
4 There is a seal from the Idaian Cave showing a priestess holding a triton shell to her lips as she stands on a step in front of an altar decked with sacral horns and sacred boughs ( title illustration , Chapter 2 ) .
5 She stands on the step looking more solid than the door .
6 I hate it cos when I call Jones she stands on the wall like that , right .
7 She stands as the martyr of organized and systematic sexual wrong-doing on the part of the man who should be her mate , and whom alone she has evolved to the human plane .
8 Most often she stands with the left foot forward ( a borrowing no doubt from the kouros , but it is not like his a full stride , rather so short a step as to seem like a dance-motion ) , left hand pulling the skirt to the side and letting a swag hang free , right forearm raised forward with an offering .
9 She stands beyond the see-through wall and grimaces to herself .
10 She stands in the doorway , chatting with JANE .
11 She stands in the garden with a basket over her arm and white pigeons flying over her head .
12 She stands in the shadow of the stair and then she goes forward .
13 She 's smiling softly as she stands in the dim glow , and she asks , ‘ Do you want to go to bed ? ’
14 She stands before the mirror , looking straight through her own reflection , scowls at the glass and blows a decidedly twentieth-century raspberry straight at me .
15 She stands by the window , checking her face in the silver compact .
16 Her face as she stood outside the register office , with that big municipal clock behind her , ticking off those first glistening moments of nuptial bliss .
17 She stood outside the back door for a moment .
18 At the moment , however , as she stood outside the door she had intended trying before , one trembling hand hesitating over the latch , Isabel could only think as far ahead as the next few minutes .
19 She stood outside the lifts in the hospital 's main entrance with other visitors .
20 She stood for a moment on the other side of the room , sizing me up ( and me sizing her up ) , and then she came over to speak to me .
21 I had an old air-raid shelter , partly dug into the ground because of the slope : there was a load of stones on top , waiting to turn the shelter into an apple store disguised as a rockery , and when Mrs Wilson saw this she stood for a long time looking at the hump in the ground and the pile of stones .
22 She stood for a few moments catching her breath , then continued through to the kitchen .
23 Dalgliesh waited until Meg had unlocked the front door and stepped inside before saying his final goodnight , and she stood for a moment watching his tall figure striding down the gravel path and into the darkness .
24 She stood for a moment , her eyes closed , trying to collect her thoughts , while she struggled to put on her gloves .
25 She stood for a moment behind the thick black curtain , unwilling to pull it aside .
26 It was something that had never happened before and she stood for a moment trying to control the thoughts that raced through her head .
27 She stood for a moment staring round at the flickering shadows thrown by the lone candle , the fire had died long since and the room was cold and suddenly lonely .
28 There she stood for a long time , gazing out to sea , her heart full of sadness and her eyes full of tears .
29 She stood for a moment looking at them , and saw how their heads were tilted in the listening attitudes of forest creatures , how their ears were pricked , and how their eyes were bright and intelligent .
30 She stood for a moment with her head on one side , listening intently .
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