Example sentences of "which [pers pn] [vb mod] take " in BNC.

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1 This is usually taken to reflect a generalized normative expectation that women are the appropriate carers ; although empirical evidence about normative expectations is actually fairly sparse ( a point which I shall take up in chapter 5 ) .
2 That is not a matter that I can take into consideration other than to say that I am satisfied that the proper figure for a multiplier for working life , er which I shall take in this case , is the multiplier of sixteen contended for by Mr .
3 Certainly Americans see it as being very different from their home-grown shows and for some reason they all seem to think that I ask rather cheeky questions , which I 'll take as a compliment .
4 This was a thoroughly inspired performance by the team , for which I must take all the credit .
5 For instance , I can see that writing this book is a function of my job and as such is part of the responsibility of earning a living , but it is also an escape for me , a kind of haven to which I can take refuge from the hundred and one pressures that impinge on the practical business of living .
6 Anyway , I took four samples of the drinking water which I will take to the races this evening . ’
7 This is a worthy guide which I will take care to read before alighting from the train at Aldershot station to begin what will be my tenth election campaign .
8 Assuming that you have determined that the line is biased to starboard , and you therefore want to start near the starboard end of the line , there are still a number of considerations which you must take into account before you can put yourself in the right place as the gun is fired .
9 Oh you have a bag of something in the sweet box in the cupboard in the kitchen which you must take and put on your desk .
10 Investing in quality home improvements is not difficult , but there are guidelines which you should take care to follow .
11 Its history goes back to Saxon times , and it contains several interesting historical buildings , and a peaceful marina , from which you can take a river cruise .
12 Easily Accessible : Bala lies beside a four-mile long lake ( which you can take a steam-train ride around ) and is surrounded by three mountain ranges .
13 There are two ways in which you can take advantage of SWIFTAIR 's priority handling .
14 There is also a highly scenic road which you can take up on to the open ski grounds and expansive prospects of Hautacam .
15 And I 've got some itineraries which you can take away , if you want .
16 Well you got you got three months from the date of termination which you can take as effect from the twenty second of June to make a claim to the industrial tribunal .
17 The idea of the tour which you can take yourselves .
18 You will learn how to design and make things using all of the above and produce actual models which you can take home .
19 You could sign up for a series of courses , which you could take at your own pace .
20 What , however , caused almost universal consternation was my suggestion that we should go a stage further and see whether it was possible to introduce ‘ portable ’ pensions — pensions which you could take from one job to another .
21 Henry wondered where the brake cable was , what it looked like , whether it was the kind of thing to which you could take a saw .
22 Julie decided to top up her Californian suntan until Kitty Summerville called lunch , after which she would take a casual stroll to another of her favourite haunts as a child , the old summer house on the river bank .
23 Having filed that fact away in her head , she was glad of Ven 's assistance when , passing a wine store , she asked him if there was a local brew which she could take back to her father .
24 Ms Callil is apparent delighted with this rather alarmingly styled position , which she will take upon her 55th birthday on 15th July .
25 In order to test these predictions we need to compare the size of the latent inhibition effect found after a long exposure — test interval ( which we may take to be 24 h or more ) with that found after a short interval ( when conditioning follows exposure immediately or after a few minutes ) .
26 This has to do both with what are called states of affairs , which we may take ultimately to be a matter of individual properties , and also what are called laws .
27 The statement said that younger Nahda members appeared to have been involved in the February incident " with the agreement of some of the movement 's leadership " , and that Nahda 's membership and activities would therefore be " frozen … pending the decisions which we may take in the near future " .
28 I asked , and they said , ‘ Remove the disc and replace it with a piece of bone which we 'll take from your hip . ’
29 I do not think , Sir Leonard , that you will need to distribute your I B M questionnaires to calculate the satisfaction level of this session this morning , I think the c rapt attention , the erm , interest and the cl clarity with which you have answered our questions , the ideas I think , which we shall take from your address , some , I might say , to ad to try out on other companies , perhaps , whose record is not as good , I think all of this is of the most enormous value , and as I said at the beginning , I feel very pleased myself , that I live in in a part of the country where we have an I B M presence , and and er , we we value that relationship .
30 There is , however , one classical restriction which we must take into account , namely the resolving power of optical instruments .
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