Example sentences of "which [art] labour [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is cut off from the world by a level crossing which the Labour candidate , the genial Ralph Knight , another adopted Lancastrian , admits made him nervous when he first ventured over it .
2 This reinforces the view that what upset the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords in Bromley v. GLC was , above all , the way in which the Labour majority went about implementing their election promises rather than their statutory powers to do so .
3 It also feared that a coalition with the anti-fascist forces might create similar problems to those which the Labour government of 1929–3 I faced when relying upon Liberal support to carry out a legislative programme .
4 Mr Hurd recalled the last Lib-Lab pact in the late 1970s as ‘ a period of shabbiness and indecision ’ and a time without social or economic achievement in which the Labour government lived from hand to mouth .
5 On this the National Consumer Council , the body which the Labour Government created in 1975 as an independent voice for the consumer , agreed .
6 Faced with the need to take some action , and willing to restrict the death penalty but not to abandon it completely , a classic step on the road to abolition , the Government turned again to the idea of categorizing murders which the Labour Government had attempted , fruitlessly , as a way out of a previous Parliamentary impasse in 1948 .
7 First , all the groups to whom the hon. Gentleman has referred were hit much harder by the policies of high taxation and raging inflation over which the Labour Government presided .
8 It was not long before the dynamics of politics made such niceties quite irrelevant , The bulk of the Labour party came out in opposition , not only to the National Government , but to any economies , even those which the Labour Cabinet had agreed .
9 He had grown to admire the broader-minded industrial statesmen with whom he had had contacts in his trade union career : men like Lord Melchett and Lord McGowan of ICI or Lord Hirst of GEC , who had created large-scale industrial organisations and represented a progressive capitalism with which the Labour movement could work .
10 But as important as our joint interests are our shared values and I think a very good example of this is our common approach , er er , to the question of the Social Chapter for which the Labour opposition led , I may say , by two leading G M B spokesmen Jack and George the Labour opposition has fought long and hard for this in parliament , indeed , we have secured a vote on the question er , after the Queen 's ascent , and last month , I myself , as a guest of the Danish social democrats , took the argument to the continent in the Danish referendum , in the second Danish ref referendum , which I 'm very glad to say was won !
11 In a debate in which the Labour leader , John Smith , has called for radical , practical and popular new ideas , Mr Blunkett also advocates a form of work vouchers which would entitle those on a new Work and Enterprise Allowance to ‘ a certain amount of expenditure related to work activity and training ’ .
12 This has become the standard Tory party-point in which the Labour Party can be linked with the ecological disaster areas of the no-growth communist world .
13 The parliamentary straightjacket which the Labour Party had placed itself in was inimical to violent change .
14 But what is not often appreciated is that unemployment , and its attendant social problems , helped to reshape the political balance of power of the age and was an important factor in the creation of a new two-party system in which the Labour Party replaced the Liberal Party as the progressive force of British politics in opposition to the almost omnipotent Conservative Party .
15 Some have maintained that the Liberal Party was being rapidly undermined before the First World War and that its decline was almost inevitable , others , however , assume that it was the First World War which was responsible for the decline of a vapid Liberal Party — the divisions within Liberal ranks creating the political vacuum into which the Labour Party slipped .
16 The effectiveness of the Labour Spain Committee was impaired both by the fact that it was was associated with the movement in the constituency Labour parties and also because it was effectively advocating a a popular front against fascism , which the Labour Party continued to reject throughout the 1930s ; after the political disasters of 1931 it wanted no treating with its political enemies whether of the left or the right .
17 When Anthony Crosland declared that the ‘ party is over , he can not have realized that the Government 's cuts presaged a long period in which the Labour Party itself would be seriously threatened — partly because of its association with supposedly spendthrift urban policies .
18 In fact , the electoral effects of scare-stories about immigration and asylum may be one of the so-far unrecognised aspects of the campaign , partly because such stories have not so far featured prominently among the factors of mass-media coverage to which the Labour Party has attributed its own defeat .
19 There might be a possible history in which the Labour party won the last election in Britain , though maybe the probability is low .
20 That is the direction in which the Labour party 's policies are going .
21 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that the best way to raise standards in our schools is to provide more testing and to make the results of those tests publicly available — both of which the Labour party opposes ?
22 Does he agree that that money underlines the huge benefits to the taxpayer that will come from the privatisation of the industry , to which the Labour party is opposed ?
23 I regret the delay that has already occurred and shall watch with great interest the manner in which the Labour party mobilises its forces to support that measure .
24 Indeed , when we hold a Conservative party function in Thanet , South , it is not one of those black-tie , celebrity-packed £500-a-plate dinners at the Park Lane hotel which the Labour party holds .
25 I have read Labour 's document , which is entitled ’ Fair Rates ’ , in which the Labour party did not tackle the question of how it would deal with houses in multiple occupation or refer to salary levels .
26 The Labour party cloaks under expressions such as ’ attack on civil rights ’ the fact that such people have not registered for the tax and have been indulging in tax avoidance , a practice for which the Labour party still shows some sympathy .
27 Is there anything on which the Labour party has not changed its mind ?
28 That is the state to which the Labour party would return us .
29 Does the hon. Gentleman agree that the success of the Government 's policy is also to do with the banning of secondary picketing , which the Labour party would bring back with open arms ?
30 One would not think that that was Labour 's intention from reading the document ’ London United ’ issued by the Labour party , but one would know it from reading the draft of that document which the Labour party did not dare publish .
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