Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [prep] mind " in BNC.

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1 Any weapon — Mr Clinton 's trade sanctions , GATT membership , or whatever — needs to be wielded with that march in mind .
2 Thus , to give one case example in ten thousand that spring to mind , no psychiatrist in his right mind would pay credence or even attention to the findings , as uncovered by Hans Eysenck some years ago , that patients undergoing psychoanalysis have an improvement rate of 44 per cent , those subject to the effects of other psychotherapy recover at the rate of 64 per cent , and those to whom nothing whatever is done , who receive no treatment at all , are cured at a rate of 72 per cent .
3 That type of mind is no use for advocacy .
4 Would it not be a sad day for this country if that attitude of mind took hold ?
5 But you 've got to have that peace of mind to be able to do that .
6 Finally , the use of standard terms will mean that the effectiveness of many of the terms of the contract is affected by the UCTA 1977 , and the drafter should keep that Act in mind throughout the drafting process .
7 But if we had that aim in mind exclusively , we would choose a different theory of adjudication , which we might call " unilateral conventionalism " or just " unilateralism . "
8 With that point in mind I particularly like the Solution 's ascent speed monitor , which was very easy to use .
9 A ca n't give you that sort of mind bust ! ’
10 We might like to have that distinction in mind as these lectures continue .
11 Paul has just that transformation in mind when he tells the Ephesians to put off the old self , be made new in the attitudes of their minds , and then put on the new self , ‘ created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness ’ ( Eph. 4:20–4 ) .
12 However farmers may soon be able to select herd replacements with that factor in mind .
13 It 's a real effort to click back to that frame of mind , which is bad because fanaticism is the true experience of pop , not discrimination and broad-mindedness — I think of the splendid devotion of all those boys and girls , who as soon as they 've got hold of the new Cure or New Order or Bunnymen record , immediately set to learning the lyrics by heart , then spend days exhaustively interpreting the Tablets From on High , struggling to establish some fit between their experience and what is actually some drunken doggerel cobbled together in a studio off-moment .
14 In that frame of mind , I boarded the Alitalia flight for Rome .
15 It was in that frame of mind that I moved into the Olympic year indoor season , saying , as I had been doing for a long time , ‘ In ‘ 88 , I 'll graduate ! ’
16 Certainly , that movement of mind normally takes place in a bounded framework of study , i.e. the student 's ‘ course ’ .
17 With that thought in mind we have produced a chart which reveals the extent to which business involving the recording of Irish bands and artists has gone abroad in recent years .
18 And with that thought in mind , they reached the boat house .
19 But after the permission of the seventies , when sex was banalized by becoming available , it could no longer be the instigator of desperation ( it 's that state of mind that is indispensable to rock , not physical fin ) .
20 Even now , cycling idly along the lanes in the lee of the downs , it is possible to speculate about such things in a whimsical sort of way ; a rare tranquility which pervades everything brings about that state of mind .
21 And in order to get in to that state of mind one does not have to be a complete lifelong fanatic , one only has to be completely absorbed for the moment by a particular cause , and that kind of absorption is of course something which good causes often do seem to demand .
22 Moore 's view would be , I take it , that someone might know exactly what that state of mind was like , either by personal experience or imagination , without recognizing that it was bad , as he could not without taking in all those properties by sharing which another state of mind would be just like it .
23 Without that state of mind there was no unlawful act manslaughter when the accused stabbed his brother who was trying to restrain him .
24 With that warning in mind , the outcome for Japan in the 1980s is nevertheless surprising : its only clear advantage in the cost of equity capital came while it had a wild , speculative market in shares , land and warrants in 1987–89 .
25 If the right hon. Gentleman examines completely what has happened during the past year with that objective in mind , he will find that not only have we cut inflation , as I have just said , but we have cut interest rates .
26 As Burton remarks , ‘ Respondents who are aware of the researcher 's interests do not constantly hold that awareness in mind ’ ( 1978:169 ) .
27 No doubt they chose their paper partly with that bias in mind .
28 No doubt they chose their paper partly with that bias in mind while they felt that television bias was being inflicted upon them against their will .
29 With that lot in mind , let's see what Apricot means by the term ‘ network ready ’ .
30 That strength of mind one could sense below the surface , that glow of authority that seemed to radiate from his skin .
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