Example sentences of "as create [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even if an officer is working on a pollution problem requiring repeated visits , he continues to do the unpredictable wherever possible to provide the polluter with few opportunities to organize his activities so as to create a spurious impression that things are under control .
2 In the longer term they should go so as to create a real ‘ Europe without frontiers ’ .
3 In the 1960s Kenyatta manipulated sales of formerly white-owned land and businesses in such a way as to create a new class of Kenyan capitalists to replace the old white capitalists , in a no-nonsense determination to both preserve the private sector and to transfer its ownership into African hands .
4 Mr George Gardiner ( C. Reigate ) asked how was Mr Hurd going to explain to ethnic minorities already in this country the strict entry controls on their relatives ‘ while at the same time amending the law so as to create a preferential class of treatment for the Hong Kong Chinese ’ ?
5 The light greens by and large believe that the system of which we are all a part is perfectible , that it could be reformed in such a way as to create a sustainable , environmentally friendly way of living .
6 The British War Cabinet even went so far as to create a special committee to guide Swinton during the talks .
7 In our system , we upset the pattern of tension in the epidermis by cutting so as to create a free epidermal edge .
8 On Aug. 17 IRNA reported Rafsanjani as having told the Turkish President Turgut Özal during a telephone conversation that " peace with Iraq is a different issue , and we hold to our view that Iraq must evacuate its forces from Kuwait so as to create the necessary conditions for the re-establishment of peace and tranquillity " .
9 The essence of Hollywood was that it used actors who became real before the camera ; they were not ciphers there to be manipulated by an all-powerful director but they were actors who were able to combine natural qualities and varied skills and techniques in such a way as to create an on-camera identity .
10 Central was the requirement that internal tariff ( customs duty ) , quota and non-tariff barriers to trade in goods should be abolished so as to create an enlarged European economic space .
11 The basic rule of liability was stated in Goodfellow : has the accused acted in such a way as to create an obvious and serious risk of causing physical harm and , having recognised it , gone ahead , or not given any thought to that risk ?
12 Nowadays , most political scientists no longer praise the responsibility of our party system but instead talk of , and condemn , our system of " adversary politics " , where an " electoral auction " is said to lead to an irresponsible " elective dictatorship " , which then manages the economy in such a way as to create an injurious " political-business cycle " that hinders our long-term economic growth .
13 Be that as it may , the real question at issue is whether the provision was intended simply to provide a remedy in respect of proprietary rights that either entitled the proprietor to have some entry made on the register or entitled the proprietor to have some entry removed from the register or whether the provision should be construed as creating a new cause of action entitling the court to make rectification orders as it might in its discretion think fit in favour of persons who would not under substantive law , apart from paragraph ( b ) , have any proprietary rights which they could assert against the registered proprietor or chargee .
14 Similarly , the notion of social development through increasing differentiation and individuation has had a considerable place in later sociological theories , although its political implications have been judged in diverse ways ; from one aspect social differentiation may be seen as creating a mutual dependence of individuals and groups which is a fundamental element in a stable democratic system , while from another aspect ( as in Durkheim 's theory ) it may be regarded as a danger to the political order if it leads to excessive individualism , and then needs to be checked by a moral consensus embodied in the state .
15 Though agreed between the parties , these proposals were bitterly attacked by some Conservatives as destroying the traditional upper House and by a few Labour members as creating a large new area of patronage for the Prime Minister .
16 It is not hard to portray the BR of the eighties Monty Python style with such stupidities as creating a semi-autonomous Cornish Railways with great enthusiasm one year only to abandon them the next as though that were equally great progress .
17 I was also surprised to find geothermal energy described as creating no direct chemical emissions — even the ‘ hot dry rock ’ schemes have water pollution problems .
18 That next we see Alison going to church : yet prepared for adultery , and , who knows , anticipating it in her mind , and with one of her attractions , her shining complexion , emphasized with her newly-washed forehead , might well be taken as creating an adverse moral perspective on Alison .
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