Example sentences of "as they approach [art] " in BNC.

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1 As they approach a grazing herd of , say , wildebeest , they spread out in line abreast and begin the stalk .
2 Devon Loch had appeared to take off right by the water jump , which the runners on the second circuit of the Grand National by-pass as they approach the winning post : had he caught that fence out of the corner of his eye and tried to jump it ?
3 This is of course an extremely simplistic presentation of the after life but it may illustrate why many people , as they approach the end of their lives , are concerned to ‘ put their affairs in order ’ .
4 There is no actual eye-spot , but the effect is just as compelling , with the curved lines shrinking to smaller and smaller circles as they approach the tail .
5 Remove the pins as they approach the needle .
6 Moreover , the activity rate just before retirement , 55–59 , has fractionally increased over this time period , so that nearly as many women as men are working as they approach the age of retirement .
7 As they approach the viewer whether from right or left the far-side wing , perspective wise , will lead the near wing .
8 The descriptions can be as varied as you like along this sort of theme , providing the adventurers with something to think over as they approach the Castle .
9 Thanks to years of neglect , both pathways get rougher as they approach the gatehouse .
10 In the spaciousness of a large chamber they may make only four or five a second , but as they approach the rock walls and need to know exactly where they are in order not to crash into them , they increase the speed of the clicks until they are emitting as many as twenty a second and the sound becomes , to our ears , an almost continuous rattle .
11 As they approach the valley overlooked by the Mountain of God , he asks her to accept from him the gift of a necklace .
12 Most visitors to vadinamia are aware that , as they approach the planets territorial space , they will have to pass through what might be described as a sort of gauntlet .
13 That has now been achieved and , although we know that a long road awaits the negotiators , it is refreshing to see the leaders of the Palestinian people at the conference table and to watch their demeanour as they approach the massive problems .
14 I am much indebted to Professor Robin Alston for stimulating these comments , based on his extensive work with individual researchers as they approach the resources of the British Library , Humanities and Social Sciences , both through the converted catalogue and through mediated access to Internet and other database resources ( Alston , nd ) .
15 ‘ It is hard to find words to express the aching loneliness and rejection I have found them experiencing as they approach the end of their lives . ’
16 Germans out to put World Cup build-up back on an even keel Mike Chisholm reports on the mood of the opposition as they approach the match at Ibrox
17 Senna had crashed into the back of Mansell 's car as they approached a second-gear hairpin .
18 Users were intercepted as they approached a terminal to either catalogue and asked to undertake their searches under controlled conditions .
19 ‘ The Colosseum , ’ Nicolo said , jamming the car into a lower gear as they approached a snarl of traffic .
20 THE leading yachts on the second leg of the Whitbread Round the World Race were almost in line abreast yesterday as they approached the finish at Fremantle .
21 THE leading yachts on the second leg of the Whitbread Round the World Race were almost in line abreast yesterday as they approached the finish here .
22 Emily was slightly ahead of him as they approached the fringe of brown reeds .
23 As they approached the village , Mungo felt a little like a prisoner who had been given a taste of freedom .
24 He has described the moment which put him and his mount into Grand National legend as they approached the twenty-third fence :
25 Paula was tense as they approached the German frontier post beyond Echternach in Luxembourg .
26 It was well beyond the range of the ‘ oboe ’ radar equipment and meant that they were wide open to fighter attacks as they approached the city .
27 The countryside became more deserted , farmsteads and villages more sparse as they approached the green mass of trees on the far horizon which Corbett knew must be the great Forest of Ettrick .
28 As they approached the top of the hill , the pine trees were taller and less dense .
29 A smell of incense grew strong as they approached the immense triple portico of the Cathedral , begun in the French style two hundred years ago .
30 Just as they approached the doors , he stopped as if he had suddenly come to a decision .
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