Example sentences of "had be inform of " in BNC.

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1 Two months ago Pyotr Shelest , the former Ukrainian party leader who was also in the Presidium , gave Moscow News a moving , if possibly self-serving account of the moments after Khrushchev had been informed of his fate .
2 2.9 By transferring 1,000,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow from NatWest Investment Bank to County NatWest Securities to account for a similar holding by Handelsbank NatWest and falsely representing that those shares were held by County atWest Securities Limited for the purposes of market making ; 2.10 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 66,600,000 shares in Blue Arrow held by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest in the records required for accounting purposes by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest ; 2.11 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities in the records required for accounting purposes by Phillips & Drew Securities ; 2.12 By falsely representing that County NatWest had become interested in 9.5 per cent of the issued capital of Blue Arrow on December 17,1987 and that the board of Blue Arrow had been informed of that interest ; 2.13 By concealing the true position in relation to the rights issue from the Bank of England , the International Stock Exchange , National Westminster Bank and/ or the board of directors of Blue Arrow ; 2.14 By falsely representing that the rights issue had been honestly and successfully completed by reason of their general skill , competence and diligence .
3 The latter had been informed of L Detachment 's successes and was amenable to the further plans for action which Stirling was ready to put to him .
4 He had known of the death of Oleg Demyonov , he had been told of the Soviet retaliation , he had been informed of the visit by the Consul to Lefortovo gaol .
5 She knew who he was , for she had observed him at lectures and had been informed of his parentage .
6 Held , allowing the appeals , that the Secretary of State was required to afford to a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the opportunity to submit in writing representations as to the period that prisoner should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence before the Secretary of State in the exercise of his power under section 61 of the Act of 1967 set the date of the first review of the prisoner 's sentence ; that , before giving the prisoner the opportunity to make representations , the Secretary of State was required to inform him of the period recommended by the judiciary as the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence and of any other opinion expressed by the judiciary which had not been disclosed at the trial and would be relevant to the Secretary of State 's decision as to the appropriate period to be served for those purposes ; but that the Secretary of State was not obliged to adopt that judicial view or , if he departed from it , to give reasons for doing so , and that he was entitled to delegate his powers for that purpose to a junior minister within the Home Department ; and that , accordingly , the decisions made by the Secretary of State as to the length of the period each of the applicants should serve before the date of the first review of their sentences should be quashed and that each applicant should be given the opportunity to make written representations after he had been informed of the judicial opinion regarding the period he should serve before review ( post , pp. 963B–C , 969A–C , 973F–H , 974A–B , 977B–D , 979C–F , 980E–G , 981F–G , 983C–D , 984C–E , 985B–C , 986H — 987A , F–G , 988C–E , G–H , 989B–C , D–E , 991B–C , 992F–H , 993B–E , F–G ) .
7 They confirmed Leon Kennedy had been informed of the Will .
8 However , within each word order condition subjects recalled more words from the passage when they had been informed of its title .
9 He said he had been informed of Pascoe 's death but could make no statement about it .
10 The Chinese Foreign Ministry , which had been informed of the change only two hours before Baker 's announcement , issued a guarded rebuke of the move on July 19 .
11 The six member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) had been informed of the US decision 12 hours before Baker 's announcement .
12 On the day of the arrest Spanish Interior Minister José Luis Corcuera , who was visiting Paris , had been informed of the operation .
13 Police yesterday confirmed that the factory inspectorate had been informed of the incident .
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