Example sentences of "had [been] known [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gryschenko had been known to be unhappy about embarking on the first leg of the race .
2 This was obviously untrue since Blake's-arrest had been known to the Russians for several weeks .
3 The third case was impossible to assess , for Mrs Kitchener 's daughter did not want to be interviewed again , but the development officer 's account at a time when Mrs Kitchener had been known to the project for about a year gives some indication of the situation :
4 Atomic fission had been known to the general public for a decade ; the awareness of fusion bombs was only four years old , so the possibility of a ‘ third and revolutionary way to produce a nuclear reaction without uranium , as in the fission reaction , or million degree heat as in the fusion reaction ’ generated a lot of excitement .
5 His activities had been known to some antislavery figures long before , but in 1814 his Mitigation of Slavery was published along with an extensive and favourable account by the Scots abolitionist William Dickson in the form of Letters to Thomas Clarkson .
6 The result of the application to the Court of Appeal on 4 November 1991 might have been different if the true position had been known to that court .
7 But the other barbarians — Egyptians , Persians , Babylonians and even Indians — had been known to the Greeks for centuries .
8 The problem of toxics and blue-green algae had been known for a century in countries like Australia and the US where it occurred naturally .
9 It had been known for a long time that histamine was responsible for producing many allergies and the first antihistamine drug was produced in France in 1937 .
10 Although the existence of nitrate pollution and its health implications had been known for decades , in the UK it was not thought to be much of a problem until 1984 .
11 It had been known for some time that relations between Stephenson and Villa were strained because of the player 's insistence on living in his home-town of Newcastle , and several clubs , keen to secure him , were watching the situation closely .
12 At one time so many people from the area were hanged at Newgate it had been nicknamed Jack Ketch 's Warren , and according to Paddy it had been known for as many as forty constables to march down with cutlasses to control disturbances .
13 By the time of Fritz and Hitzig 's work it had been known for nearly a century that electrical stimulation of nervous tissue would produce movements .
14 And er it had been known for them to split .
15 One or two of the boys would go in there , fellers of the village , and they would stop there all night , and the next night ; and they say it had been known for it to go the week ; have a week settin' in , staying in the pub .
16 As I 've mentioned already in the context of metaphors of memory , the phenomenon of ‘ animal electricity ’ and its relation to neural activity had been known for a long time — at least since Galvani 's demonstration in Bologna in the 1790s that electrical pulses caused a frog 's legs to twitch .
17 There was apparently an agreement between Pickard and Wasbrough allowing the latter to use the crank , and the engine-builder who was most incensed at the patenting of a device which he maintained had been known for centuries was James Watt [ q.v . ] .
18 The broken stag had been known for years .
19 The squinch had been known for some time and was used in Persia , Turkestan , Armenia and Asia Minor .
20 Although the general distribution of earthquakes around the world had been known for many years , it was only with the establishment of a comprehensive network of seismographic stations to monitor underground nuclear weapons testing in the early 1960s that a detailed global picture emerged ( Fig. 2.10 ) .
21 The problems of the system under which the starter operates a lever had been known for some years , but the Jockey Club and the course executive failed to replace it , the report added .
22 The existence of the tape , had been known for two-and-a-half years , as copies were sent anonymously to newspapers .
23 Metal whiskers of this kind had been known of , in a general sort of way , for a long time but had been regarded as a nuisance or a curiosity .
24 It had been known at the time of his appointment that Miyazawa and members of his Cabinet had been implicated , in varying degrees , in the Recruit-Cosmos share scandal which brought down the Takeshita administration in 1989 [ see pp. 36463-64 ; 36589 ] .
25 He pursued the antimicrobial properties of soil organisms , particularly actinomycetes , which had been known since the 1920s to produce inhibitory substances .
26 They could , in fact , be described by a particular solution of Einstein 's equations that had been known since 1917 , found by Karl Schwarzschild shortly after the discovery of general relativity .
27 That was after the war ; during the war itself she had been known as just M , wherever she went .
28 Watkins concluded that these straight trackways , which he came to believe had been known as ‘ leys ’ , had ‘ landmarks ’ constructed along their route as a guide .
29 That was how she had been known as a child when people had contrasted her with her sister Paula .
30 A local builder obliged by knocking down the remains in exchange for the materials he could salvage , and the place had been known as the Half House by local people ever since .
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