Example sentences of "had [vb pp] about in " in BNC.

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1 The fact that the burns had come about in an unforeseeable way did not render the damage too remote .
2 And not only for the pleasure of running her own thriving business , but for the more fundamental change it had brought about in her .
3 Distribution services department gained a Gold Award for the improvements which it had brought about in road haulier performance .
4 but er the essential work contract then that I had spoken about in the first place the building trade , that was a government order .
5 She had gone about in awe of these adults , to whom she must-not chatter , before whom she must be silent and polite and smiling .
6 In the mess , speculation had buzzed about in hushed whispers , knowing , secretive nods .
7 While in 1920–1 Eliot admired both Edward Wadsworth 's drawings of industrial landscapes and Picasso 's primitivism , he found himself living the life of Thomson or of the city clerks he had read about in Conan Doyle , Davidson , Conrad , and elsewhere .
8 It was not the person I had read about in all the papers and magazines . ’
9 I could n't quite believe that this was the same Steffi that I had read about in Tennis World and that she was actually there .
10 This time Vidor wanted to take up the notion of co-operatives which he had read about in Reader 's Digest .
11 So far removed was it , both in time and in temper , from the realities of a large city parish and the growing bewilderment and tribulation that the first two decades of the new century had visited upon its inhabitants that his birthplace and its memories became as insubstantial as the tales of Cuchullain and the Red Branch Knights that he had read about in school .
12 The sort of passionate encounter she had read about in novels .
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