Example sentences of "had [verb] increasingly [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The result upset opinion polls , which had predicted that Mr Kinnock — who had looked increasingly confident — was on the verge of ending Labour 's 13 years in opposition and avenging three defeats by Mrs Thatcher .
2 In the seventies , McQueen 's appearances became more intermittent , and it was reported that he had turned increasingly temperamental , rejecting more scripts than he was prepared to accept .
3 Under pressure from Russian nationalists , however , Yeltsin had made increasingly overt statements in the weeks preceding his visit suggesting that the time was not right for any major alteration in the status of the disputed territory , and calling for greater Japanese flexibility on the issue of the sovereignty of the islands .
4 Mr Mladenov , who became Foreign Minister in 1971 , had grown increasingly tired of facing criticism of Bulgaria at international meetings .
5 In office for just under a year , Druk had grown increasingly unpopular with the nationalist Popular Front , which organized demonstrations outside the parliament to coincide with the no confidence vote .
6 Six or seven years in the course of which her infatuation with him , in spite of the rare times she saw him , had grown increasingly severe .
7 But The Daily Graphic drew the gravest conclusions , suggesting that whereas earlier shooting cases had been accidents , they had become increasingly frequent and serious :
8 The raids had been going on for months , but had become increasingly violent : by mid-May they involved border posts being strafed with bullets or set on fire .
9 At a ceremony in Baton Rouge , Roemer said he had become increasingly convinced that the Republican Party was becoming open to new ideas , new thinking and new people , and was most open to team building .
10 He had become increasingly unhappy about the trackway theory , feeling it to be insufficient to account for the number of leys which seemed to exist , the tendency for parallel systems , the intersection of many leys at a single site , and the phenomenon which he discovered of patterns of concentric circles .
11 Sheila called her GP because for a week Mark had not been feeding properly , had become increasingly drowsy and was vomiting .
12 They had become increasingly introspective .
13 By the end of 1935 , then , the situation on the Left had become increasingly favourable for the Communist Party .
14 During the latter part of Caradryel 's reign , the dragons had become increasingly rare .
15 The simplest proposition seemed to call for endless repetitive explanation ; her steaks had become increasingly rare , and , most tiresome of all , whenever they made love , be it after breakfast , lunch or tea , she would leap from the marital bed and turn on the vacuum cleaner , spending the next twenty minutes cleaning an already spotless house .
16 The British decision confirmed what had become increasingly apparent since 1958 , that the EEC was central not just to European integration , but to Western Europe as a whole , and that after 1957 the history of West European cooperation would centre upon the EEC , upon both its activities and the response to it by the other European states .
17 From being a little bitter it had become increasingly affectionate , as Matey had shrewdly noted .
18 He had become increasingly dirty and unkempt .
19 It showed in his eyes , and in the way his voice had become increasingly sharp , almost strident .
20 At the Russian Supreme Soviet session on Feb. 13 it was announced that responsibility for farm reform would be taken on by Russian Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi , whose public criticism of Yeltsin 's economic reform had become increasingly sharp over previous weeks .
21 He had become increasingly selective in what he did , avoiding , on the whole , long runs in the West End , and concentrating on starring television parts or extremely lucrative cameos in international films .
22 Although we 'd been left pretty much to our own devices in the last months in the Pit , the year and a half underground had become increasingly depressing .
23 Paul Davison , director of strategic development at Rosyth , said he had become increasingly optimistic over the past few weeks .
24 They were under no illusions that they could do a better job from Detroit , but they had become increasingly concerned that they were getting out of touch with what was happening around the world , and that the tail was beginning to wag the dog .
25 Julie 's mother had become increasingly concerned that the abdominal pain Julie had complained of the previous evening had worsened over-night , preventing her from sleeping .
26 The MPs had become increasingly sceptical of British Rail 's demand that the bill go ahead before BR and Eurorail , the private-sector consortium , decide on the last section of the tunnel route .
27 It had become increasingly clear over the last few days that the anger of East Germans is focused on the Communist Party and that it can only be a question of time before the party has to relinquish its leading role and allow political competition .
28 And it had become increasingly clear to her that some of the more bizarre aspects of Johnny 's intrusion into her life would be difficult , perhaps impossible , to explain away .
29 Her mind was taken up with puzzling over a fact which had become increasingly clear the longer she stayed in the apartment .
30 From Istanbul I went to Athens , and stayed there , never going back to Cairo , where life had become increasingly difficult .
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