Example sentences of "had [verb] the better " in BNC.

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1 The Dons had enjoyed the better of the early exchanges with Scott Booth in particularly lively form .
2 At the time , as I recall , it was generally thought that Leavis had had the better of things , partly because he made his a personal attack , and dealt Snow 's reputation as a novelist , which was then high , a blow from which it has never really recovered .
3 Though no-one was prepared to admit that Roman Catholics had got the better of the argument , some Protestants felt a certain dissatisfaction with an afterlife in which all earnest endeavour , for better or worse , was at an end .
4 For a British army encamped on ancient Carthaginian ground , it was perhaps natural to enjoy without too many qualms some at least of the diversions which Livy suggested had got the better of the Carthaginians .
5 Thinking fatigue had got the better of his tired mind , Jack Hayden did not worry unduly until the following Monday morning when a porter who had been working on the station Platform came to the mess room and saw a strange figure looking at Mr Hayden .
6 Dadda 's temper , that he had inherited along with Dadda 's darkness and Dadda 's height , had got the better of him and he had attacked her , physically attacked her .
7 But then her pride and her curiosity had got the better of her again , and she remembered why she had agreed to the meeting in the first place .
8 There was another advantage late on a lunch-time in that there were always a few city slickers who had ventured north by north-west ( of the Barbican ) to try the Hoskin 's or the Holden 's bitter and found it had got the better of them , so needed a taxi back to civilization .
9 McStay and Grant had got the better of Hamilton and McGinlay while Slater and Collins were more effective than Lennon and Wright on the flanks .
10 The High Court in Inverness heard that PC John Smith 's curiosity had got the better of him when he learned that a Murdo MacIver from his home town of Stornoway was in custody .
11 Over her supine body Andrew and Horatia 's eyes met and she took the initiative , knowing she had to get the better of the marquis straight away .
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