Example sentences of "had [be] [art] only " in BNC.

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1 Newman came to the answer Rome ; the former friends he left behind in the Church of England replied that the early undivided Church had been the only one wholly to contain this supernatural essence .
2 Rob McKinnon had been the only Hartlepool player not pilloried in that game , and the 23-year-old left-back was the most impressive player again .
3 It had been Eleanor , quiet , firm , devoted whom Dorothea had loved , and Eleanor had been the only living person whose presence she could bear when Hallam died a year after their coming to Haverstock .
4 Faith had been the only sister to visit regularly , for Isabel and Kathleen were afraid , afraid of sickness and infirmity , of germs and ill-health and old age and death .
5 Prior to that , guilds had been the only groupings of workers .
6 In 1944–45 , the old hutted Emergency Hospital at Hexham near the Roman Wall had been the only home I had .
7 She had been the only passenger to alight from the two carriage train which she could still hear dimly in the distance , chuffing its way over the Severn Bridge on its way to Lydney .
8 It knew that the incident had been the only serious act of indiscipline during the strike and that Wilson had used it in his speech to taunt and smear the Ulster people .
9 Dudley Clarke had been the only casualty , hit in the ear , which had been sewn back in place by a petty officer as the boat left the beach .
10 It was not because I was particularly pious , but rather because my namesake , Nicholas Breakspear , had been the only Englishman who had ever become Pope .
11 Apart from Granny Tremayne , Edna had been the only other permanent reliable character in Celia 's youth .
12 The chaise longue had been the only piece to survive unscathed .
13 He knew that he had been the only really close friend and confidant of Modigliani from 1907 to 1914 , until they were separated by the war .
14 Until then cardboard tubes had been the only means of transporting and protecting artwork .
15 Irons and radios had been the only appliances owned by the majority of consumers before the War and they were joined by electric fires at the end of it .
16 Since 1980 the Standard had been the only survivor of the flourishing trio in 1945 .
17 Honey had been the only sweetener ; sugar had been as expensive as cinnamon or cloves and it could be taxed as a luxury in the firm belief that this would not make life harder for the working classes who were not thought to be consumers of sugar , though this was clearly changing in the eighteenth century .
18 Experience was regarded as " limited " in variety if among the youngest age group it was little or nothing ; among unmarried subjects over the age of 20 if there had been no sexual intercourse nor other stimulation to orgasm by another person ; and among older or married people if sexual intercourse , with its preliminary manual love-play , had been the only sexual activity .
19 The unfairness of this strikes me , since although we are all from families that vote Labour ( no working-class Catholic would vote Unionist ) Jimmy had been the only one in the class who 'd known that Hugh Gaitskell was the leader of the Opposition in the general knowledge quiz .
20 I knew now that I might have been foolish to have expected so much from Waite , but he had been the only person who 'd been willing to treat both kidnappers and hostages as human beings and to attempt some kind of understanding about how the situation could be resolved .
21 She had been the only one to choose a piece from Alice in Wonderland .
22 In this sense , all the diverse myths of classical tragedy are equally Dionysiac , and the same applies to the tragic heroes : for a long time , Dionysus had been the only character represented in the early drama , its only hero , and , until Euripides , all the different suffering heroes of tragedy were still " mere masks of this original hero " .
23 She felt she was honour bound , as hostess , to keep the conversation going , and the mention of the poor man who had had to endure Harry Burrows moaning in a sheet beneath his windows had been the only topic to cling to her memory .
24 Despite the odds against her , she would have persevered if that had been the only hope of tracing her sister .
25 For a start she had been the only woman , and her colleagues had found it strange that she should be working with them .
26 Although in theory we do not know how it would have turned out if that had been the only option available to Mr. Thorpe , we know that the principles are clearly set out in the health service management documents and at a political level by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State .
27 Buckingham did not realise at first that he had been the only one to get over the 23rd fence at the first attempt .
28 North Yemen had been the only country to contribute troops to support Iraq during the Gulf war .
29 Aleksandra Biryukova retired as a Deputy Chair of the USSR Council of Ministers ( in which she had been the only woman out of 69 members ) and as Chair of the Bureau for Social Development on Sept. 17 .
30 Albania , which had been the only European non-participant , had expressed its desire to join and was granted observer status at the summit , but on Nov. 20 lodged a formal complaint stating that " the failure of some states to allow a consensus for Albania 's full participation … is incomprehensible " [ see also pp. 37385 ; 37746-47 ] .
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