Example sentences of "had [adv] far [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She nodded and then , as steadily as she had accepted everything he had so far said , ‘ Colonel Moore will want to write his letters , of course .
2 She had n't imagined that this woman could be at all assertive , but she was being exactly that now , and Alain had so far said nothing at all .
3 In his report to the 65th session of the IMO Council meeting on Nov. 5-9 , he said that the organization had so far received only 63 per cent of the contributions due for 1990 — the lowest figure for many years .
4 Assad did not want the civil war to continue , for if Lebanon suffered any more wounds some of its blood might seep into Syria , through those narrow grey wadis in the anti-Lebanon mountain range and down into the plateau beyond , perhaps even infecting Damascus , whose carefully balanced but Alawite-controlled metabolism had so far remained untouched by the epidemic on the other side of the border .
5 Richard , who had so far remained silent , was bitterly disappointed at being unable to send the message to their mother .
6 The trade associations would continue to monitor the situation , and , while they had so far funded the ‘ Do n't Tax Books ’ campaign ‘ from the petty cash ’ , ‘ we may need to launch an appeal fund in due course ’ , Mr Hitchin said .
7 For Marx , the growth of industry promised wealth and abundance for all , but because industry had so far developed in a capitalistic way , the new-found wealth was monopolised by one class , while the mass of the working people were made poorer , not richer , by the advances in production .
8 He moved slowly round the perimeter staring at the seven disciples who had so far survived the ungodly war .
9 They had retired from work within a year of each other and were looking forward to spending time together doing many of the things that bringing up children and working had so far prevented .
10 Pakistan and the United States would eventually have to accept direct talks with the PDPA , he said , adding that neither country had so far implemented any peace process .
11 The Jordanian Prime Minister and Minister of Defence , Mudar Badran , announced on Feb. 24 that the confrontation in the Gulf had so far cost Jordan some US$8,000 million , or double the value of the country 's domestic economic output .
12 A project to clean up the Ganges which had started in 1985 had so far cost US$115 million and was due to be completed by the end of 1991 .
13 They chose Ian Botham , their young hero — he was then twenty-four — who had already performed great deeds in the twenty-five Tests he had so far played .
14 Brunel of course was deeply involved in the completion stage of the massive ‘ Great Eastern ’ — the largest ship the world had so far seen , and could not devote quite as much time to the project as the others .
15 What I had so far seen of Binbrook held no charms for me — it was bare , isolated , and I did n't really want to seek out yet another Met Office with another set of people to get to know , now that the war was over , and there was no reason that I could see for us to continue plotting charts and reading instruments .
16 When Ruth went down to the lower deck it was a hive of activity , with the strangest thing she had so far seen taking place .
17 Next day we went ashore near Kapp Lee on Edgeøya , and had a long walk up through Rosenbergdalen , a fine valley which was much more vegetated than any we had so far seen .
18 Kind he might be , although it seemed improbable from what she had so far seen of him , but Sally-Anne wanted nothing from men , neither kindness … nor love … nor anything .
19 But the Colonel and John-William were both Justices of the Peace , often serving on the same Bench together , and although she had so far shirked inviting them to dine — the prospect of being alone with the Colonel 's lady frankly terrifying her — she was delighted to see them here today , feeling that their presence lent great distinction .
20 Whatever Isabella 's private intentions may have been , the deposition of the king had so far formed no part of her publicly declared programme , which amounted to little more than the removal of the Despensers .
21 I had heard stories , including horrendous tales of harassment by the police from other people in the black community but my family and I had so far escaped such treatment .
22 The British attitude was that American troops should remain pending the completion of the UN task in supervising elections ; the change of policy away from the Moscow agreement , which Britain had so far supported , would be justified in the UN debate on the grounds that the assumptions on future developments at Moscow had proved erroneous and the only course of action now was to appoint a UN temporary commission .
23 Neither of her parents were church-goers and her father had so far lapsed from his native Catholicism as to despise and detest ‘ the whole primitive priestly caboodle ’ , as he called it .
24 The Home Office said one company had so far applied for a licence .
25 Bragg was contentedly puffing his pipe , and mentally sifting through the facts they had so far obtained , when the door burst open and Inspector Cotton strode in .
26 He liked his guests to give value for money ; this wordless young fellow had so far given none .
27 Germany had so far given DM1,000,000 million ( $700,000,000 ) to Egypt and DM221 million to Jordan .
28 He said Wirral Deewatch had so far collected 3,100 signatures in Heswall and West Kirby , and hoped to collect more this weekend .
29 Later , on July 25 , Blix said that three inspection teams had so far visited more than 30 sites in Iraq and had taken over 300 samples of nuclear material , but that " there are many more things to answer " .
30 Some of those who did not possess a faith in God which was proof against all adversities now saw that the great hope of a relief force reaching them , which had so far buoyed them up , was an illusory one ; even if a relief now came , in many different ways it would be too late and not only because so many of the garrison were already dead ; India itself was now a different place ; the fiction of happy natives being led forward along the road to civilization could no longer be sustained .
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