Example sentences of "as [noun prp] goes [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , as Taylor goes on to point out , there are cogent and even forbidding explanations for the apparent neglect .
2 But as Ian goes back to comply Koquillion uses his jewelled weapon to cause an avalanche , sealing up the cave .
3 The man jabs his left ski down as Odd-Knut goes by , gets the ski between dog and trace and is hauled over and forwards .
4 As Tolkien goes on to say :
5 As Willis goes on to say :
6 As Jack goes on hunting , the little ones look at him as an expert .
7 As Webster goes on to point out , when study of the cuneiform records revealed that the Babylonian shabbatum ( full-moon day ) also fell on the fourteenth ( or fifteenth ) day of the month , we were presented with another survival of what must have been the primary meaning of the Hebrew term shabbath .
8 But the degree to which we can control our environment is often determined by others as Morgan goes on to point out : " We all construct or shape our realities but not necessarily under circumstances of our own choosing " ( p. 140 ) .
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