Example sentences of "as [pers pn] left the " in BNC.

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1 As I left the cinema I was seized in an irresistible spasm of shivering .
2 As I left the railway station , the police warned me that there was a small demonstration against Norman Tebbit 's recent industrial relations reforms .
3 As I left the room at a trot everyone else was still pulling on shorts or even struggling with tightly knotted ties .
4 Just as I left the station for the bus stop , the siren went .
5 I had , as you know , trouble with my horse as soon as I left the beach ! ’
6 As I left the house in Thistle Street , I felt sad , depressed , utterly miserable .
7 I finished the song and only as I left the stage did I realise I had wet myself with fear .
8 And then just as I left the stage , sobbing , I heard somebody say , ‘ Well , I do n't admire her dress-sense . ’
9 I felt very humbled as I left the conqueror of Everest and the Sherpa 's most vocal mouthpiece still sipping his tea .
10 As I left the room I seemed to be in a school and I saw many children in the hall and I seemed to be late for a class .
11 As I left the room I heard the little comic bellow , " That 's what she thinks of thy relaxing clothes , ducks , and I must say I see what she means ! "
12 She gave such an unpleasant laugh with these last words that I did n't know what to say , and as I left the house I felt even more miserable .
13 As I left the peaceful sleeping village , the mist over the marshes was rising , to show me the great unknown world I was entering .
14 As I left the pen I saw Mr Stokill dragging a large object over the cobbles .
15 I was lucky in meeting a cab as I left the bank , and I went back to my anonymous room in Peel Square .
16 As I left the room I heard you say … ’
17 He took up a cloth by the side of the cash register and started to move it slowly over the surface , looking up just once as I left the shop , saying , ‘ Goodbye , then . ’
18 As I left the next shift was settling in for the day , writing up diaries , reading novels and brewing up endless cups of tea .
19 Carl Einstien — the ex-POW who sold the ‘ Whaddon and Mitchley Sporting Mauve ’ outside ‘ The Tip ’ as you left the match .
20 ‘ You think he tapped this out as soon as you left the desk and then ran after you with it ? ’
21 ‘ I knew you were following me as soon as you left the hotel yard , and I decided to turn the tables .
22 The fellow was drunk and released the dogs as you left the palace .
23 And so if you went out and you bought er , I do n't know , we 've , if , a microwave , as you left the store with your microwave , the salesman calls his supplier and says , I need a microwave , because he only keeps three now , whereas even up to three or four years ago , he would have several in the back store , now he does n't keep them .
24 ‘ I 'm sure of one thing , ’ Fru Møller said darkly , to no one in particular , as she left the Hall to collect raspberry jam from the kitchen for a guest allergic to strawberries , ‘ the rain wo n't deflect Miss Danziger from her purpose . ’
25 An 81-year-old woman who collapsed two hours after a robber grabbed her handbag as she left the British Legion Club in Clapham , south London , was on a life-support machine at St Thomas 's Hospital yesterday with a suspected blood clot on the brain .
26 Kelly 's head was swimming as she left the racecourse .
27 There was no-one about as she left the house and walked towards the wood .
28 She shed no tears as she left the cottage and made her way along the lane to the priest 's house .
29 He saw also the way the Hogans looked after her as she left the kitchen .
30 As she left the stage there were again cries of ‘ More !
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