Example sentences of "as [pers pn] enter the " in BNC.

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1 It seems very strange as I enter the town hall .
2 ‘ An intensely interesting portion of the 25 shops that make up Wolverton Works is before me as I enter the wheel department , for here I have an opportunity of studying in detail the basis of the running of the modern railway-coach .
3 As I enter the smell and heat of the building , I notice the peeling paintwork and cracked walls .
4 I am unaware that any of this is going to happen as I enter the hotel lobby on my way to dinner .
5 As I entered the building I could see that it was damaged , probably by mortars , or shellfire .
6 The Allied guns had just started up as I entered the orchard .
7 A woman and three children got up from the table as I entered the room .
8 As I entered the orchard , a few yards from the entrance the farmer was tending to two badly wounded cows .
9 Darkness had suddenly settled as I entered the orchard at Brigade H.Q Taff was in the trench , standing by his Bren swatting the mosquitoes and cursing loudly to himself .
10 As I entered the big house by the back door I noticed a lot of activity , people dashing here and there .
11 As I entered the room he got up from the floor , drawing his sleeve across his mouth .
12 As I entered the barn someone handed me a mess-tin full of hot tea .
13 I felt like Father Christmas as I entered the front door of the cottage to be welcomed like a long-lost son .
14 As I entered the orchard it looked completely deserted .
15 As I entered the building a chant started up , but I could not catch the words .
16 As I entered the cobbled main street , I became aware of a feeling of unease .
17 As I entered the committee room from the standard uncarpeted passage , I was given a friendly and businesslike handshake by the chairman , Lord Franks , who had courteously got out of his chair to greet his witness — an unfailing politeness that I gather he extended to every other witness .
18 She hid it away quickly as I entered the room .
19 As soon as I entered the room I could hear little pockets of chatter coming from various parts of the audience .
20 ‘ I 've fallen , ’ she said to me as I entered the little porch tacked on to the front of the house .
21 She stood up as I entered the room , greeting me as if we were in a drawing-room in Chelsea or Gloucestershire and not in prison .
22 As I entered the room I wished I 'd thought of phoning a desperate SOS to James .
23 My lips quivered as I entered the small , plastic roadsweeper 's hut which now acted as the home team 's changing room .
24 Southgate caught up with me as I entered the main hall and saw Santerre and others sitting round the high table .
25 I had already decided to do that as soon as I entered the darkened chamber where the royal beast sat slouched on a chair .
26 I spotted Billy 's mum as soon as I entered the court .
27 ‘ Good morning , Mrs Clamp , ’ I said pleasantly as I entered the kitchen .
28 I was the soul of philanthropy as I entered the Primrose room .
29 The scene , without the players , is the same today as you enter the low walled garden with its four pleasing square summer-houses at the corners and its grand sweeping steps leading up Swangrove is its exotic and inimitable rendering of the local Cotswold style .
30 But whether you are here for the first or merely the latest time , as you enter the square — better still , as you emerge into it , blinking away the bright Milanese light as you climb up out of the Metro — there can be no doubting its magical ability to conjure a timeless moment of calm from out of the bustle .
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