Example sentences of "had led [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Vargas Llosa , who had led on the first round on April 8 [ see p. 37371 ] , now won only 2,713,442 ( 33.92 per cent ) .
2 He mounted the horse he had led for the last hour or so and walked it cautiously down into Buttermere which he entered with the utter conviction that he had been there before .
3 Now , after the Fifth Army 's first abortive assaults on the Mort Homme , Falkenhayn wrote on March 30th to the Crown Prince , noting that ‘ the employment of four fresh divisions … had led to no successes ’ , and asking for information as to his future intent and expectations .
4 The reduction in numbers was still startlingly small — for example , even after the convertibility crisis of 1947 had led to a further downward revision of the targets for 31 March 1948 , there were still 937,000 in uniform , supported by 350,000 in supplying industries .
5 Earlier reports that Chancellor Kohl had suggested delaying fixing the date for a special EC conference on monetary union for a year had led to a stark and none too veiled warning from the President of the European Commission , Mr Jacques Delors , that this might plunge EC relations with West Germany ‘ into a serious crisis ’ .
6 It appeared that the expedient solution proposed by the District in 1930 for the Bedfordshire scheme had led to a further concession in Cambridgeshire in 1932 and by 1937 had been developed into a strategy for the development of adult education in rural areas for which the Board ‘ … visualised the Rural Areas Scheme as an eight counties one ’ .
7 This sort of nonsense could have been fairly innocuous had it not been for the fact that under Napoleon I , the frequent employment of courtiers in great and influential offices of state had led to a gradual isolation of the Emperor , which in turn gave too much power to those close to the throne , many of whom , it should be noted , actively worked against him in the last years of the reign .
8 Such a shift was viewed with real apprehension and had led to a movement by Prussia to rally to Austria 's support , in spite of their internal differences about the running of Germany .
9 the extent to which devolution had led to a change in personal level of job satisfaction ;
10 Most heads could identify changes that had led to a more balanced or improved curriculum , either as a result of the purchase of additional facilities or due to a change in curriculum planning .
11 The therapist suggested that many of the problems that had arisen were due to poor communication between Pamela and her parents , and that this had led to a sense of mistrust on both sides .
12 ‘ There is no general policy and this had led to a pattern of provision which is diverse , fragmentary and localised . ’
13 A YOUNG man 's distinctive T-shirt had led to a case of mistaken identity .
14 The Assistant Government Agent at Matara agreed that the establishment of village tribunals had led to a decrease in the number of police court cases , but asked ‘ what good end is obtained by merely removing the scene of litigation from one set of courts to another , and doubling the amount of litigation in the process , and how it is supposed that by increasing litigation twofold the peace and harmony of the district is secured , and litigation robbed of all the rancour and bad feelings it engenders in the ordinary courts ? ’
15 The first part of our study , which was reported in the October 1992 issue of ACCOUNTANCY ( see p 13 ) , demonstrated that over this five year period the combined effects of mergers among the large audit firms and voluntary auditor switches among listed companies had led to a significant increase in seller concentration .
16 The child gives limited eye contact and this had led to a breakdown in the relationship between him and his mother .
17 This had led to a lengthy series of negotiations over the sort of contracts which should bind printers in his new plant .
18 Yet it was undeniable that the Conservative political pressure to extend rural electrification had led to a diversion of scarce capital resources into investments which were known to be unremunerative and in fact turned out to be so .
19 The persistent importance of the group , which had led to a strong sense of communal identity since the Tokugawa period , could also produce schism within society .
20 This had led to a feeling that tribunals were too dependent on , and influenced by , the departments .
21 At the newer universities and polytechnics the process of institutional growth had led to a variety of adjustments both in the modes of teaching ( most notably through the introduction of the seminar ) and curriculum ( with a more modern and selective emphasis , and the use of the period study ) .
22 The port 's operations are subsidized to some extent by the local authorities but in the main the port is financed by port dues and this had led to a demand that any port land released for development should yield significant port use in order to generate revenue .
23 The status and function of these courts came into question during one of the most critical of these enquiries , that presided over by Lord Wilberforce in 1972 into the dispute about miners ' pay which had led to a widespread stoppage of work .
24 Rowntree 's later study in York ( Rowntree , 1941 ) suggested that the introduction of widow 's benefits had led to a substantial decrease in the extent of poverty among lone mothers .
25 Meanwhile successive years of minimal house building had led to a national housing shortage , variously estimated at between 400,000 and 800,000 dwellings .
26 One major lesson drawn from the 1981 riots in Britain by the authorities was that this style of policing had led to a growing gulf between the police and the communities in which it worked .
27 The end-of-year panic on discovering that other teachers had covered more had led to a general feeling that the quicker topics were completed the better .
28 The heterogeneous nature of its object had led to a heterogeneous discipline , and it was only by making literariness the object of its enquiry that literary science could exist as an independent and indeed as a coherent and systematic type of study .
29 The report further claimed that the deteriorating security situation in Sind had led to a large flow of capital and industry out of Karachi , Pakistan 's largest city and a major port , during January and February .
30 ( Similar moves in Lithuania in March had led to a Soviet military clampdown against draft dodgers — see pp. 37360-61. ) relationship " with Soviet Union
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