Example sentences of "had led the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His earlier refusal to play the party game had led the political establishment to ignore him , and their view was now reinforced by the problems for public order brought about by Mosley 's street-corner politics .
2 It said that its study had not discovered any conclusive evidence on the damage done to humans by low-level exposure , but it stated that the lack of information and knowledge of the effects of exposure to low doses of the chemicals over a long period had led the working party to adopt the precautionary principle that absence of evidence was not evidence of absence .
3 Jaime Milans del Bosch y Ussía , who had led the abortive coup attempt of 1981 , was released on June 30 , 1990 , after serving nine years of his 30-year sentence [ see pp. 31765-66 ; 32804 ] .
4 It was they , shamingly , who had led the great discovery of old Germanic literature , which included the Old English texts Beowulf The Wanderer , The Seafarer and the great rhythmical prose-sermons of Aelfric and Wulfstan .
5 Pindling , who served as Prime Minister for 25 years , had led the first black government and in 1967 broke the power of the Bay Street Boys , the white colonial merchants who dominated the economy and ran the islands like a private club .
6 His passion for seventeenth-century literature had led the former atheist to a sudden conversion and during the war years he developed into a pillar of the Roman Catholic church .
7 The plan had led the nine trade union federations to call a general strike on Aug. 13-14 .
8 It is true that the taste for the Picturesque which had developed at the end of the eighteenth century had led the educated to take a visual pleasure in the exteriors of vernacular buildings ( Jane Austen pokes fun at the taste on more than one occasion ) .
9 ANIMAL FARM THE TRON , GLASGOW IF , instead of the devious and callous Napoleon , animals purer in spirit but less imaginative had led the revolutionary masses of Manor Farm , would events down on the farm have turned out any better ?
10 But events elsewhere were passing them by , and by 1958 customary caution and reluctance had led the Nordic states to the point where any move would be a reaction to external developments , a point wryly made later by Per Haekkerup , the premier of Denmark : ‘ No stone was left unturned , no question unanswered .
11 As acting Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Ramos had led the military mutiny in early 1986 in support of President Corazon Aquino which had finally driven Marcos from office .
12 Furthermore , the Polish nobility that had led the national movement in Marx 's time had yielded power in Poland to a new rising capitalist class and settled for privileges guaranteed by the Tsar .
13 Suu Kyi had led the National League for Democracy ( NLD ) to a landslide election victory in May 1990 [ see pp. 37457-58 ] , but the country 's ruling military junta , the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , which had placed her under house arrest in mid-1989 , prevented the party from forming a government .
14 ( Miletus , which had led the original 490s revolt , is said by Herodotus to have been at her greatest prosperity then . )
15 The new members of the politburo were generally middle-aged officials and included a number of party secretaries from the coastal provinces which had led the Dengist economic reform drive .
16 Magnus had led the human defence of the Empire and , desperate for help , had sent to the Elves for aid .
17 Hugh X de Lusignan , count of La Marche , had led the French campaigns against Aquitaine in 1224–5 but in 1241–2 , influenced by his wife , Isabella of Angoulême , played turncoat and defied Louis IX.22 Louis 's successful Taillebourg expedition of that year was perhaps the real turning-point in Capetian-Plantagenet rivalry .
18 Knowing Louis 's concern for the Holy Land in 1147 he had led the French army on the Second Crusade — he put it about that all he really wanted to do was put his own house in order , make proper provision for his children , and then he would be off on crusade in his lord 's company .
19 A reformist politburo member of the ( orthodox ) Communist Party of Greece ( KKE-Exterior ) , she replaced Harilaos Florakis , also of the KKE-Exterior , who had led the Left Alliance since its formation in 1989 .
20 In biology , Richard Owen — who had led the conservative assault on Lamarckism in the 1830s — now accepted evolution , but insisted that it worked by a preordained process of ‘ derivation ’ .
21 Meanwhile , on Aug. 25 Western intelligence reports indicated that the Iraqis had started to move northwards units of the Republican Guard Corp forces which had led the initial invasion .
22 It is at once the strength and the weakness of Justinian 's law that its grasp of principle is slack : a powerful command of principle had led the classical lawyers to develop a finely worked system ; yet , that done , they were entrapped in it and helpless against its inadequacies .
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