Example sentences of "had come [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 She decided the time had come to leave the bordello , and seek lodgings somewhere in the vicinity of the Pont du Sevres .
2 The forces creating a waged proletariat were not only stronger there in mining and in manufacturing , but after the mid eighteenth century a distinctive agrarian proletariat had come to characterise the southern and Midland counties .
3 The bureaucratization of the party was first made a target of criticism by Trotsky , who drew attention to the way that , under Stalin , the party functionaries rather than its representative elements had come to control the party and how these functionaries had become indistinguishable in their political interests from the functionaries of the state apparatus .
4 They had come to visit the graves of their own dead children .
5 The code of military behaviour had come to permeate the whole world of knightly behaviour , not just the field of battle .
6 The signing of its charter by representatives of 144 electric utilities with working nuclear power stations was a recognition that the time had come to take the secrecy out of nuclear power and prove that there was a worldwide interest in co-operation and information exchange .
7 However , the task of a new nanny was made all the more difficult because the children , bewildered and unhappy , felt that they had come to take the place of their mother .
8 Yet by the end of 1690 most prominent laymen and clergy had come to take the oaths to the new regime , and only a tiny minority persisted as Jacobites or Nonjurors .
9 By 1973 we were finally able to convince ourselves and , I believe , the rest of the research ‘ community , interested in the problem that the biochemical changes were indeed an aspect of learning and not any of what we had come to call the concomitants of learning , such as motor activity or visual experience .
10 In view of the deeply felt resentment at the reign of Bayezid I on the part of at least the more pious elements of the state , it seems not impossible that Murad II ( 1421–51 ) who , alter Mehmed I ( 1413–21 ) , set about re-establishing the integrity and order of the Ottoman state , decided to provide an answer to the critics of the secular state by the creation of an office to represent the spiritual authority of the seriat , an office , moreover , free from the taint that had come to affect the members of the ulema associated with the state service .
11 Some 15,000 spectators — mostly from California — had come to see the world 's greatest horse , who had top weight of nine stone three pounds in a field of eleven .
12 The driver assumed that I had come to see the church at Eyam , with its special exhibition featuring the events of 1665 and 1666 , when the bubonic plague visited the village .
13 He talked of his father 's psychic abilities and also of the way in which Alfred Watkins had come to see the ley mark points in terms of the old elements : fire , earth , air and water .
14 They had come to see the show and my guilt for neglecting them afterwards was eased by Pam and Kath , also at the show this evening , who entertained them in my absence .
15 We had come to see the Manx shear waters .
16 We had come to see the tomb of Isidora .
17 The Jews of his day had come to see the Old Testament law not as a pointer to the life of trusting obedience in God which it was meant to be but rather a code to be scrupulously followed in every detail .
18 I saw All in Bristol and , despite a small crowd ( most of whom had come to see the support bands ) and an incompetent sound engineer , they were powerful and intense .
19 Rain gathered her wits and said she had come to see the villa , the last place the Durance coterie had settled before disbanding .
20 I saw All in Bristol and , despite a small crowd ( most of whom had come to see the support bands ) and an incompetent sound engineer , they were powerful and intense .
21 Equally , almost half had come to see the company for the first time .
22 Those first six dancers had come to celebrate the newly awakened school of English classical dance that was establishing itself with the coming of peace .
23 1964 ) he maintained that Barth and Bultmann had come to represent the extremes of objectivism and subjectivism , and offered his own attempt to chart a middle way in which both the given truth of God and the need for it to be apprehended in the personal encounter of faith would be given their proper place .
24 The sentence comes from an essay called Eztetyke du Rêve , an eccentric spelling of Esthétique du Rêve ( ‘ Aesthetic of the Dream' ) in which , building on the idea that ‘ the dream is the only right which can not be forbidden ’ , Glauber Rocha described how he had come to realise the revolutionary importance of the mystical in Latin American popular culture .
25 Although it was Dorothy who had come to interview the officials at PopCon ( ’ an Intergovernmental Agency for Fundamental Research into the Worldwide Problems of Population Stabilisation' ) , she kept getting the impression that it was they who were interrogating her .
26 Moreover , the President believed that the time had come to use the great power of the USA not only to end the war but to ensure , through a place at the Peace Conference , that he could bring about a " just peace " .
27 She prayed that Maisie could somehow see how well her boy had done for himself , and how he had come to regret the hatred that almost destroyed him .
28 The harmony , then , is no more than a comfortable background ; it represents what , as Adorno points out , had come to seem the ‘ natural ’ musical language .
29 The disagreement about where they were to live had come to seem the only obstacle .
30 Rumours of this purpose account for the early popularity of the French ; they had come to support the ‘ Desired One ’ .
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