Example sentences of "had left [pron] with " in BNC.

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1 Group chairman Kneale Ashwell said the deepening world recession had left them with no option but to cut jobs .
2 When Mrs Parker had left them with their coffee and cigarettes , Teesdale spoke to the chaplain .
3 So it was , I assume , that he felt immediately able to talk to me in a businesslike and trusting way , and by the end of our meeting , he had left me with the administration of a not inconsiderable sum to meet the costs of a wide range of preparations for his coming residency .
4 He had left me with the one who would become the most famous .
5 She had left me with nothing .
6 and er building trade work , both of these things had left me with the qualifications for be abl be able to do it .
7 Charlie had left me with only two choices : I could try to run the baker 's shop myself and give up any thought of taking a degree , or I could sell out to the highest bidder .
8 Some time later , she said Nicholson had left her with a permanent reminder of their relationship during the making of Five Easy Pieces — a son .
9 And she had left her with an impatient gesture .
10 She had had the barest glimpse of it , for it had vanished at once , but somehow it had left her with an uncanny impression that was not particularly pleasant .
11 Her doctor , Helen Soteriou , said it had left her with no resources for her final battle against serious illness .
12 He was in charge of the drugstore , and Jennifer 's husband had left her with a habit or two .
13 The following year had left her with little enough time for dreams , let alone nightmares .
14 When he had left her with a tiny baby , she had hardened her heart somehow .
15 The lessons in singing and elocution had left her with a pretty powerful voice .
16 He had n't quite stripped her , but the lacy bra and briefs he had left her with could have proved no barrier to his imagination .
17 She had gone from happiness to misery and back again in what seemed no more than hours , and the speed of the changes had left her with a sense of unreality that she found impossible to shake off .
18 But there was no time to dwell on that now ; in true Travis fashion he had left her with a big workload which she needed to clear today .
19 What would he say if she told him of the background that had left her with a deep and enduring mistrust of men ?
20 It was a weakness that her father had left her with long ago and she had never conquered it .
21 Tonight he had left her with a few unanswered questions , and speculations buzzing around her brain .
22 When she was too little to be anything but a nuisance on shopping expeditions , her mother had left her with her father on Saturday mornings .
23 It had left him with a feeling of self-satisfaction , a sense of having done something instead of standing helplessly in the shadows , aching with humiliation and guilty knowledge .
24 Kurt Nicoll ignored medical advice not to ride after a practice crash on the factory KTM had left him with a rib injury .
25 The opportunity to do so did not arise until Racedown was offered to them six years later , by which time Wordsworth could contemplate a life whose course , since his Norfolk visit , had done much to shape his political and poetic character , and had left him with more than a little to repent .
26 The interview had left him with two clear intentions more firmly fixed than ever in his mind .
27 Bad weather during the third round had left him with three holes to complete early the next morning .
28 Like Paul , he had trained for the law in youth , and it had left him with a certain accuracy .
29 Mario described himself to me as a hungry kid , adding that maybe those early experiences had left him with a permanent sense of insecurity .
30 His childhood exposure to life in the streets of a western town , still so new that most of the people who had founded it were still alive , had left him with no illusions about people or their motives , and it was always for the motive behind the question that he looked .
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