Example sentences of "had called for a " in BNC.

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1 When the man had had his face washed ( by stella ) and been given a drink , and one of the barmen had called for a taxi , Mother got right up and got on the stage and told Gary she was ready for her song now .
2 In the late 1960s , Ceauşescu himself had called for a strengthening of the traditional family , but when that failed to have the desired effect of boosting the birth-rate , the regime reversed its direction from promoting old-fashioned morality as a stimulus to conception .
3 Indeed , in 1949 Michel Debré , a leading Gaullist and the first prime minister of the Fifth Republic , had called for a ‘ union of European states ’ that would improve upon the limitations of the Council of Europe .
4 The times had called for a certain mood but it was the genius of American cinema that it could harness the talents of actors and actresses whose every word and gesture rooted the films in the society for which they had been produced .
5 By 23 May the Federation had called for a complete stoppage of all port transport workers in London and on the river Medway , including , of course , seamen .
6 The party conference , for instance , had called for a series of constitutional changes , particularly in the USSR Supreme Soviet 's Council of Nationalities .
7 On Jan. 18 the Hungarian government had called for a complete Soviet withdrawal by no later than the end of 1991 [ for Hungarian Defence Minister 's non-committal response to a suggestion to the same effect in December 1989 , see p. 37130 ] .
8 In these circumstances the leadership of the All Burma Student Democratic Front , in exile in Thailand , had called for a mass boycott .
9 The FSLN and FNT had called for a nationwide campaign of civil disobedience against the austerity measures , urging the population to refuse to pay increased electricity and water prices , to occupy state companies targeted for privatization , and to support a 24-hour general strike on Oct. 1 .
10 Yeltsin had called for a " coalition government of national unity " comprising ministers nominated from each of the republics .
11 The SNS chairman Vitazoslav Moric , who on Oct. 25 had called for a civil disobedience campaign against the language law , was in consequence recalled from the Federal Assembly Presidium by the deputies on Nov. 26 .
12 Earlier reports on Sept. 7 and 10 had claimed that opposition groups had called for a popular revolt against Saddam Hussein , and had agreed on a plan for joint action , with plans for a government-in-exile composed of " various wings of the Iraqi opposition " .
13 On Jan. 4 miners ' leaders had called for a temporary halt to the march , after an offer by Prime Minister Yildirim Akbulut to hold talks , but two days later the march was resumed after union leaders had rejected a government offer of a 250 per cent pay rise .
14 In July the authorities arrested two leading opponents of the government , Charles Rubia and Kenneth Matiba , who had called for a referendum on the future of one-party rule ; in subsequent protest riots 20 people died [ see p. 37603 ] .
15 Prior to Gore 's entry into the affair , some 75 members of Congress and eight of the erstwhile hostages had called for a full inquiry .
16 Kohl had called for a European federal police force modelled on the US Federal Bureau of Investigation but the UK favoured an inter-governmental rather than a supranational force , although Major himself called for a " strong perimeter fence " around the EC to prevent a wave of illegal immigrants .
17 Garang had called for a constitutional conference , involving all political parties .
18 The human rights organization Amnesty International had called for a full investigation of the incident , thought to have been a reprisal for recent attacks by the rebel Popular Front for the Liberation of Azawad , which marked the collapse of a peace agreement signed in January 1991 [ see p. 37947 ] .
19 When the CMSN decided on June 10 , 1991 , to put a new draft constitution to a referendum , the FLAM had called for a boycott of the referendum ; other opposition groups , including the National Democratic Movement , had expressed reservations .
20 It was revealed that Prokofiev had called for a central committee plenum to be held on Aug. 20 to remove Gorbachev as general secretary .
21 Some parties had called for a national multiparty conference to be held first .
22 Deputies to the session elected a 14-person presidium , including Col. Viktor Alksnis , Gen. Albert Makashov and historian Roy Medvedev , and led by Sazhi Umalatova , who at the December 1990 Congress had called for a vote of no confidence in Gorbachev [ see p. 37903 ] .
23 The intensified fighting at the end of April was apparently due to a report disseminated by Tanjug news agency on April 29 that the Bosnian leadership had called for a blockade of JNA forces in Bosnia-Hercegovina , and that Moslem forces had virtually declared war on the JNA .
24 In February , a group of deputies , led by Marko Voljc , who was said to be a candidate for a post in the new government , had called for a no confidence vote against the government .
25 The demonstration 's organizers had called for a mass " anti-fascist " rally on June 22 ( the anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in the Second World War ) .
26 Many analysts had called for a more ambitious target in reducing the budget deficit .
27 It was reported on Sept. 3 that the Albanian Popular League party had held its first assembly and that its secretary-general , Xhemal Borova , had called for a reorganization .
28 The Kazakh-brokered agreement had called for a ceasefire along the border between the two former Soviet republics .
29 Opposition groups led by the Democratic Party , which had boycotted the final sessions of the constitutional commission , had called for a " no " vote , saying that the constitution would perpetuate one-party rule by the SPPF .
30 It had called for a slowing down of market-oriented economic reforms .
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