Example sentences of "had entered into a " in BNC.

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1 He demanded a refund from the first agents but they refused , arguing that because he had given them his credit card number he had entered into a contract .
2 Scotland , I suggested , had entered into a voluntary association , whatever questions have been raised about it since .
3 Elizabeth never married but used her spinsterhood as a diplomatic bate — Robert Dudley , the Earl of Leicester , was very close and , after his death , his stepson , the Earl of Essex , became close , but he was executed for treason when it was learned that he had entered into a conspiracy .
4 The provision … may be amended or revoked … by the parties to the treaty without the consent of the State entitled to the right … , unless — ( a ) the parties to the treaty had entered into a specific agreement with the latter with regard to the creation of the right ; or ( b ) a contrary intention appears from the terms of the treaty , the circumstances of its conclusion or the statements of the parties .
5 It would , as Mr. Lloyd conceded , be exercisable also in a case where no misrepresentation inducing the transaction could be pointed to but where a registered proprietor had entered into a transaction under a misapprehension for which the other party to the transaction was not responsible , a misapprehension as to the value of the property , for example .
6 In 1911 he had acquired , with Lloyd George and the attorney-general , Sir Rufus Isaacs ( later first Marquess of Reading , q.v. ) , a personal shareholding in the American Marconi Company , soon after the British Marconi Company had entered into a large contract with the British government .
7 649 , the parties , a husband and wife , had entered into a separation agreement under seal whereby the husband covenanted to pay the wife £30 per month .
8 The owners in May , 1973 , had entered into a very advantageous agreement to charter the tanker on completion to Shell for three years , and they would have lost this advantage if the yard carried out its threat .
9 Hamas announced in mid-November that it had entered into a formal alliance with Iran which had promised to provide financial and political backing for " the war to liberate Palestine " .
10 Section 2 , which replaces s. 40 of the Law of Property Act 1925 , was intended to prevent disputes over whether the parties had entered into a binding agreement or over what terms they had agreed .
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