Example sentences of "had been killed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug said there were unconfirmed reports that up to 2,000 people had been killed since the weekend .
2 The Minister of Home Affairs , Moven Mahachi , said that the continued operation of the Emergency Powers Act was necessary because of the activities of Mozambican Renamo guerrillas along the country 's eastern border ; 60 Zimbabwean civilians had been killed since July 1989 by the rebels , who were now , he said , " more co-ordinated and organized " .
3 The military estimated on Dec. 4 that 1,853 guerrillas and 450 government troops had been killed since the beginning of the offensive launched by the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional — FMLN ) in San Salvador on Nov. 11 .
4 According to Army figures released on Jan. 3 , 1990 , a total of 1,079 soldiers and 3,697 guerrillas had been killed since the beginning of 1989 in the war against the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional — FMLN ) .
5 The PRD said that 52 of its activists had been killed since the July 1988 general election but that most of the murders had taken place since the municipal elections in December 1989 , the results of which were still in contention in many towns .
6 The release of Mandela on feb. 11 [ see pp. 37232-33 ] also appeared to have provoked new levels of violence , particularly in faction fighting in Natal townships ; by late March some 250 people had been killed since his release , mostly in Natal and the homelands .
7 Statistics released by state security agencies on May 13 showed that 243 police officers had been killed since the start of the year .
8 Leaders of the Moslem community , concentrated around the Batticaloa region , estimated in mid-August that over 500 had been killed since June , and 387 in August in the Batticaloa and Amparai districts .
9 The Financial Times of Nov. 22 reported that 17 people had been killed since the outbreak of disturbances in late October .
10 The Guardian of Dec. 1 reported that 21 people had been killed since the declaration of emergency ; opposition sources put the death toll at 50 , while government officials said that the number was closer to five .
11 By this time more than 20 people had been killed since the beginning of the month in a spate of bombings and gun battles between Ossetes and Georgian militia detachments .
12 It was the first time that a foreign tourist had been killed since the start of the intifada in 1987 .
13 16 UNPROFOR members had been killed since deployment , it was reported on Sept. 14 .
14 The grin left his face as he mentioned that he had been informed about an hour ago that his brother-in-law , who was a member of No. 4 Commando , had been killed during a German counter attack on the Commando positions .
15 Ziba 's 35-year-old brother , Meho , who worked at the dairy and fought with the Sarajevo defence force , had been killed during the night in a skirmish a few blocks away .
16 His parents had been killed during the Berlin blitz and after being shunted from one set of foster parents to another he had run away at the end of the war .
17 According to The Times of April 12 , the DPK claimed that 50 people had been killed during an attack by government troops on a refugee centre near Halabja on the Iranian border .
18 At Mbuji-Mayi , in Kasai Oriental region , it was reported on April 23 that nine people had been killed during violent demonstrations .
19 The Economist of June 8 reported that 45 Palestinian collaborators had been killed during April and May , compared with 18 Palestinians killed by the Israeli security forces .
20 Meanwhile , the International Committeee of the Red Cross announced on July 13 that two of its workers had been killed during an armed ambush in Paktia province .
21 The re-contras claimed that 66 former contras had been killed during the year in continuing clashes with Sandinista army and police personnel who they wanted replaced by a police force which included ex-contras .
22 On Oct. 21 it was reported that in recent days at least 50 civilians had been killed during a " war " between Shining Path ( Sendero Luminoso ) guerrillas and MRTA forces in remote towns in the central Andean Huallaga region .
23 According to a USSR Interior Ministry Commission , over 250 South Ossetians had been killed during the conflict with Georgia , which began in December 1990 [ see p. 37920 ] .
24 Up to three grenades exploded in the House of Representatives on July 10 , two hours before a memorial service for opposition leader Marc Atti Depe , who had been killed during the attack on Olympio .
25 According to the remaining local independent media sources , 20 civilians had been killed during August by the military .
26 The Interior Ministry announced on Nov. 12 that 44 people had been killed during the crackdown and a further 180 people remained missing .
27 A total of 543 Palestinian " collaborators " and 103 Israelis had been killed during the same period .
28 It said that Iran had executed 224 people between January and July 1992 , at least 66 of whom had been put to death for political reasons , and that at least 199 members of the minority Baha'i community had been killed during " systematic " persecution of their sect .
29 In one village , three people had been killed during the distribution of aid .
30 In a statement on Nov. 22 the Karen National Union ( KNU ) estimated that over 800 civilians , 375 government troops and 27 Karen guerrillas had been killed as a result of fighting during the last six weeks in the lower central Irrawaddy Delta , south-east of Rangoon .
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