Example sentences of "had been brought in " in BNC.

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1 Official sources were yesterday unable to explain why the restrictions had been brought in , including whether they had been designed to reduce the risk of leaks to loyalists of the type recently coming to light .
2 In the more recent squad of 35 the figure was up to four after Sale 's David Baldwin had been brought in as cover for Dooley .
3 In 1977 , at the time of the Bullock Committee on remoulding industrial relations , Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of West Germany had been brought in to instruct the Prime Minister , Callaghan , and Britain 's industrial leaders and trade unionists on the need to frame a new industrial climate as a basis for productive growth and a revived influence in the world .
4 The gift was by way of an invitation for the Prince and Princess both to become patrons of the appeal ; it was the idea of professional fund-raiser Marion Allford , who had been brought in as the appeal director .
5 Dana felt so sick , he went straight back to bed , but had been there only a few seconds before he leapt out with a scream of agony : an autumnal , sleepy wasp had been brought in by the chambermaid among the bedclothes which had been airing at the window and had stung my friend on the bottom !
6 The apse is widely believed to represent the peak of Gothic architecture in Italy and was completed at a time when many of the architects working on the project had been brought in from Germany .
7 ‘ But , if the body had been brought in from the Met area , we would not necessarily have been alerted . ’
8 Even old Florence had been brought in and sat in the most comfortable armchair while they talked .
9 As it was a special fundraising dance instead of the regularly fortnightly hop , a three-piece band had been brought in to replace the usual stack of gramophone records and there was ‘ real food ’ — fishpaste sandwiches , sausage rolls and cheese and pineapple on sticks — which the ‘ committee ’ had spent the entire afternoon preparing .
10 By this time Gordon Sloan , a Reporter from Strathclyde Region , had been brought in to do the work in Orkney , as the islands ' own Reporter , Mrs Katherine Kemp , was still under suspension , and the details of her case were lying on the Secretary of State 's desk in Edinburgh .
11 Succour and provisions had been brought in .
12 He had been brought in by the conglomerate owners , Reed International , who were planning to float the Mirror Group off as a separate company and wanted someone to mastermind the move .
13 An extra bed-table had been brought in .
14 In their publicity for the film , Warner Bros boasted of the way in which the story had grown out of an actual incident and of Judge Musmanno 's involvement in the subsequent litigation , and also of how ex-miners had been brought in to ensure authentic mining scenes .
15 Alice said drily that this and this and this had been brought in .
16 Peter Tomlinson , inexperienced in television terms , had been brought in for a key " anchor " role and I could appreciate the excessive pressure on him .
17 The carrots which had been brought in were eaten between friends or carried away to does and families in burrows all over the warren .
18 One had to forget — because one could not live with the thought — that this graceful , fragile , tender young woman with those eyes , that smile ( those gardens and snows in the background ) had been brought in a cattle car to an extermination camp and killed by an injection of phenol into the heart , into the gentle heart that one had heard beating under one 's lips in the dusk of the past .
19 Dr Richard Beeching had been brought in in 1961 with the prime mandate of improving commercial viability .
20 If anything had been brought in for you it had to be handed in at the screws ' table , and they had to sign the property book .
21 A rich Italian suffering severe post-natal depression had been brought in by ambulance , having tried to kill her six-week-old son , and then taken an overdose .
22 In 1855 he had been brought in as a partner to Beyer & Peacock 's Gorton factory in Manchester , recently built for the manufacture of railway locomotives , and he maintained an active role in the management of Beyer , Peacock & Co. until his death .
23 She also found herself naturally in tune with Laura 's taste and , although her job specification was to oversee the entire design structure for clothes , Laura advised her that she ‘ had been brought in as a flanker to Moira ’ .
24 The main level which ran along the southern branch of the vein had been brought in some 210 fathoms from the entrance .
25 The worst year for strikes and lock-outs and bitterness between masters and men that he could remember since the power-looms had been brought in under armed guard twenty years ago and the Luddites had started swinging their hammers .
26 The corpse had been brought in just after the morning mass by members of the parish .
27 Somewhere , cowbells sounded ; the animals had been brought in for the night , maybe .
28 A new woman with two children had been brought in by Jacky in the night .
29 Charges had been brought in the USA in July 1991 against BCCI 's founder , Agha Hasan Abedi , and BCCI 's former chief operating officer , Swaleh Naqvi [ see p. 38355 ] .
30 Coffee had been brought in a huge white porcelain pot and matching white cups arranged around the white-painted table that stood at the edge of a huge paved terrace overlooking the endless sparkling blue sea .
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