Example sentences of "had been a failure " in BNC.

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1 The first night of Leonore , Lefevre conceded sadly , had been a failure .
2 The weekend had been a failure — or rather a success .
3 Lessing consulted Dinah , who had come back tired from an evening full of accidents ; the scenery had fallen , the lesser lady had not come in on cue , the leading man had been a failure and she would have to find someone else .
4 In earlier decades it had been generally agreed that there would be benefits from standardisation , but with the benefits accruing variously to consumers , undertakings generally and appliance manufacturers , while the costs fell on the non-standard undertakings alone , there had been a failure to agree on finance for a common scheme .
5 He knew it had been a failure with a contemporary audience , however , and he looked very sallow and melancholy a few days after its openings .
6 The Ligurian Riviera was n't Italy to her ; she felt in exile once more ; the move had been a failure .
7 Paros had been a failure ; but Miltiades ' son Kimon pursued a similar line in the 470s and 460s , showing that he saw himself as the heir to his father 's policies as well as his debts ( for which see Plut .
8 The Sunhill Scheme had been a failure ; existing machinery had not settled the wage issue ; nor had coercion put an end to desertions , while the seamen had concluded that their reasonableness and patriotism were being exploited .
9 Clearly , the presentation of the Alliance cause to the electors had been a failure .
10 The policeman was grieving for his Scotch terrier , while the dragoman — a fellow with big , prominent eyes like a lobster 's — had proved singularly incompetent throughout the trip ; even his cooking had been a failure .
11 He returned to London from Lancaster in 1862 without job or income , sensing that his life so far had been a failure .
12 No matter that it had been a failure .
13 In recent years , the Committee has noted , with disappointment , that the new Legal Aid Board was not ‘ a Legal Services Board with overall responsibility for legal aid and legal services ’ ; that the present system could not be said to constitute a ‘ comprehensive system of legal services offering good early advice ’ ; and that in considering reform to the legal profession , there had been a failure by government ‘ to examine the place that lawyers ’ services should occupy in the field of legal services as a whole . ’
14 He felt that the play upon which he had bestowed such care had been a failure .
15 But she was not to know that he had had this desire , and went into the house with head bent , feeling that she had been a failure .
16 In that case there had been a failure to make an application to appoint an independent surveyor within the time limit in the lease .
17 Mr Alan Milburn , the Labour candidate , said the Conservatives ' pilot schemes had been a failure .
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