Example sentences of "had identify [pron] as " in BNC.

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1 Within a day a portrait of the deceased as he might have looked in life had been produced , and by Wednesday a woman living on a council estate south of the river had identified him as her next-door neighbour , Mr Chant .
2 Oh , and the victim , Yankel Rosenbaum , a lawyer , had identified him as the killer before he died .
3 Mr D. Davidson turned out to be Alec 's father and after I had identified myself as an old school-friend of Alec 's — I allowed myself a little poetic licence in this description — he confirmed that Alec still lived in Strondonald .
4 It had identified itself as Churchill 's private secretary , Jock Colville , and said they realized he had some news to tell them .
5 I ca n't imagine how we would have reacted if our teacher had identified herself as a practising heterosexual and shared the secrets of her lifestyle .
6 I had never experienced his obduracy before or , if I had , had identified it as something else .
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