Example sentences of "had announce the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During the NATO summit in Rome [ see pp. 38600-01 ] Romania had made known its willingness to co-operate with NATO , and on Oct. 30 had announced the renegotiation of its friendship treaty with the Soviet Union .
2 The Middle East Economic Digest of April 10 reported that Mohammad Harbah , the Interior Minister , had announced the release of some 600 " mainly political prisoners " in late March to mark the start of Assad 's fourth term .
3 In December the government had announced the release of over 2,800 political prisoners [ see p. 38695 ] , although there had been no independent confirmation that all had been freed .
4 Two days earlier , following a special interministerial committee presided over by Prime Minister Pierre Bérégovoy , Interior Minister Paul Quiles had announced the dispatch to Corsica of an additional two companies of CRS paramilitary riot police , bringing the total police and gendarmerie presence to 2,200 .
5 Cuba had reportedly dropped its previous demand , put to the former Soviet government of President Mikhail Gorbachev in September 1991 , when his government had announced the troop withdrawal , that any such withdrawal should be simultaneous with that of US forces from the Guantánamo naval base on the south-east tip of Cuba [ see pp. 38430-31 ; see also p. 38669 ] .
6 His introduction caused particular mirth , since a mistake by the Social Secretary had announced the title of the talk as ‘ A Look-back at Railways in Shropshire and the Border Counties ’ .
7 My Minister of State , Hugh Rossi , had announced the change during discussion of a social security bill in standing committee on Tuesday morning change is still unjustly called ‘ the Rossi Index ’ — and the Opposition had protested strongly .
8 After his speech the conference clapped and cheered as if he had announced the abolition of the income tax .
9 Earlier , on Jan. 22 , the government had announced the abolition of ceilings on the rate of interest and front-end fees for foreign private loans for new industries , modernization and replacement .
10 On Nov. 14 , 1989 , the government had announced the discovery of bauxite ore which would supply Saudi Arabia 's aluminium smelters and those of other countries in the region .
11 It was reported on Nov. 17. 1989 , that Sylvain Bamba , a former permanent under-secretary at the Ministry of the Interior and Justice who had been living in exile since 1963 , had announced the formation of an opposition Union for Congolese Democracy ( Union pour la démocratie congolaise — UDC ) , with himself as its chairman .
12 The Somali National Movement ( SNM ) , which in May had announced the formation of a secessionist Republic of Somaliland [ see pp. 38182-83 ] , again declined to attend .
13 It was reported on Dec. 3 , 1990 , that the leader of the Moslem Community Group of Ceuta , Ahmed Subaire , had announced the formation of a new political group , Iniciativa por Ceuta ( Initiative for Ceuta ) , which , he said , would participate in the forthcoming municipal elections .
14 In May Mubarak had announced the withdrawal of all Egyptian troops from Kuwait [ see p. 38213 ] .
15 In May Egypt 's President Hosni Mubarak had announced the withdrawal of all Egyptian troops from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia [ see p. 38213 ] , although he had subsequently offered to reconsider the decision [ see p. 38309 ] .
16 Norman Lockyer , in 1868 , had announced the existence of helium , on the basis of a spectral line in sunlight which corresponded to no known terrestrial element .
17 While Cooper and McMahon were still serving their sentences , the Postmaster General who had announced the £5000 Post Office reward money , John Stonehouse , MP , and the detective who had arranged its distribution , Commander Kenneth Drury , were themselves convicted of criminal charges and also sent to prison .
18 Earlier , East Germany had announced the solution as a ‘ humanitarian act ’ by the government , adding that it hoped Bonn in future would run its embassies ‘ in normal manner according to international usage ’ .
19 In order to achieve internal koruna convertibility ( meaning that firms licensed to engage in foreign trade could buy as much foreign currency as they wanted ) , Federal Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus on Dec. 28 , 1990 , had announced the unification of exchange rates for the koruna against Western currencies .
20 Biya had announced the holding of the elections , originally scheduled to take place in March 1993 , in early September , in a move regarded by many observers as an attempt to wrong-foot the opposition .
21 On Dec. 12 the IMF 's Managing Director Michel Camdessus had announced the creation of a new area department , European II , to co-ordinate the work of the organization with respect to new applications for membership .
22 On March 3 the government had announced the creation of a human rights department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to examine and promote human rights in Iraq and abroad .
23 In a joint communiqué issued on April 1 from Mexico City , the Foreign Ministers of Colombia , Mexico and Venezuela had announced the end of the mission for which the Contadora peace group had been created .
24 Earlier , on July 30 , a KPRP communiqué had announced the expulsion of Ung Phan from the party central committee " due to his betrayal " , and the retirement of Chheng Phon for health reasons .
25 On April 7 Mitterrand had announced the cancellation of a further 10 per cent of Poland 's US$5,200 million debt to France , Poland 's second largest creditor .
26 There was unprecedented Soviet media coverage : Moscow Radio had announced the march in advance and had urged " all democratically minded Muscovites to take part " , while Soviet television news showed close-up shots , not just of banners with slogans attacking the communist monopoly and party conservatives , but even of isolated placards which called for Gorbachev 's resignation .
27 Earlier , the government had announced the lifting of various foreign exchange controls with effect from July 1 .
28 On April 13 the USA had announced the lifting of an embargo on humanitarian links with Vietnam [ see p. 38865 ] .
29 In April France had announced the suspension of its nuclear testing programme [ see p. 38890 ] , a move followed by Russia [ see pp. 38553 ; 39169 ] and the USA [ see pp. 39073 ; 39121 ] .
30 Saad 's family rushed to try and have their revenge on the witness who had announced the news like someone possessed , and who cared less about Saad 's death than about convincing the whole community of what he had seen in the hut that burning noonday .
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