Example sentences of "they [verb] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They flung themselves on him , yanked his legs back , crossing them so that his knees splayed out .
2 They flung themselves at sailors in a bid for immortality .
3 They flung themselves against it .
4 A fortnight later they announced themselves as the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and a few days after that , on 2 September , as the climax to weeks of stupendous political demonstrations , Vietnam declared its independence .
5 Even an optimist like Alix found people depressing when they revealed themselves in this manner .
6 Three times they lowered themselves to the ground in response to commands chanted by the minister of rites and all the time the musicians and singers banged gongs and drums and continued their strangely discordant chanting .
7 When they launch themselves into the air they suddenly straighten their bodies and hollow out their lower surfaces .
8 Young albatrosses on the Leeward Islands spend many days flapping their wings to exercise their muscles and develop their strength , but when they launch themselves into the air , they have to get it right first time .
9 Instead , they got themselves into a thoroughly embarrassing mess , saying they accepted Gatting 's statement that nothing improper had taken place but sacking him all the same .
10 Luckily the bus itself was delayed , and so they got themselves on board .
11 They got themselves in a mess by losing millions on loans to foreign countries and dubious borrowers at home .
12 When Mrs Gray had produced two very passable cups of coffee , they seated themselves at the long deal kitchen table .
13 Ronni cast him a glance , as they seated themselves at opposite sides of the table .
14 Now they sell themselves to be photographed .
15 Since the works ( de Kooning apart ) were abstract they lent themselves to diverse interpretations .
16 Can they make themselves into a statue of , for example , Anancy playing a trick ?
17 I have a fancy to show myself as far as Newport and Cardiff , while they lose themselves in the mountains of Maelienydd and Brecon . ’
18 But when the Central Policy Review Staff ( the ‘ Think Tank ’ ) had suggested in the early eighties that they mount a full-scale investigation into the practices and abuses of the professions , they discovered that the influence of the lawyers upon Number 10 was so strong that the proposal was sat upon and then returned , with a suggestion they confine themselves to teachers and social workers .
19 They push themselves to the edge of exhaustion .
20 How can they compare themselves to a former professional player who has played in front of ten or twenty thousand people ? ’
21 The lampreys ( Petromyzon ) are rather nasty external parasites of other fish , to which they attach themselves with a sucker , and proceed to rasp away at the living flesh .
22 They attach themselves with their mouthparts and then release a digestive enzyme secretion which eats into the skin .
23 The larvae then migrate through the tissue of the mouth ( cheeks , tongue , and pharynx ) to the stomach , where they attach themselves to the stomach lining .
24 Instead of stalks , they have a cluster of curling roots with which they attach themselves to coral or rocks .
25 They attach themselves to executable files and are able to load themselves every time the infected file is loaded .
26 Children often notice differences in size when they play , when , for instance , they fit themselves under a table or try to crawl through a hoop .
27 As they fit themselves to what has happened .
28 They cushion themselves on the silence .
29 They had certain tricks and devices by which they avenged themselves on the interlopers , but these took up time and energy and , since they were young and inexperienced , frequently rebounded on themselves , although Sam , by dint of great perseverance and the manifestation of genuine hatred , had recently succeeded in ridding her home of her mother 's latest lover .
30 They helped themselves to salad and Sara poured the wine .
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