Example sentences of "they [verb] towards the " in BNC.

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1 Inside the garden , they crept towards the house , and now , for the first time , Oliver realized in horror that the purpose of the expedition was robbery , and maybe even murder .
2 They met towards the end of January , and he kept the news from Theo until April .
3 Where such detailed studies have been made they tend towards the typological and shy away from the technological aspects .
4 The man with the baskets tried to kick a couple of scrawny hens out of his path and they fluttered towards the edge of the road .
5 Actual allocations to regions would gradually be adjusted over several years so that they moved towards the target allocations .
6 Only they were men , scattering , seeking cover as they moved towards the place where he was hiding .
7 Once they moved towards the collateral fact doctrine the line became hazy at best .
8 ‘ Thank you , Madame , that will be all for the moment , but , ’ he bent his head close to her ear as they moved towards the door , ‘ I would ask you to act as my eyes and ears when I am not present .
9 They moved towards the sounds of the party .
10 They moved towards the left-hand urn , sliding through the crowd of their superiors as smoothly as serpents in the garden .
11 Sam asked contentedly as , later , they moved towards the coffee lounge .
12 As they moved towards the green baize door he added as an afterthought , ‘ Oh , and Elsa , if anyone asks you what nationality you are , say you 're Swiss . ’
13 As they moved towards the next tee she nodded towards her niece .
14 She should be safe enough , she reasoned as they moved towards the dance floor where the discotheque was playing .
15 Luciano Bartocci 's office was tall and narrow , with shelves of books that seemed to lean inwards like the sides of a chimney as they rose towards the distant ceiling .
16 Then they were through and roaring round the curves of the wide gravel driveway , as they charged towards the enemy stronghold .
17 What does this journey seem like to those who are n't British — as they head towards the land of embarrassment and breakfast ?
18 Whatever direction mallards are taken from Slimbridge , in England , they fly towards the north west after release .
19 As they roared towards the burning building , Bob Wallace hit the siren to let the occupants know help was coming .
20 As they accelerated towards the alley mouth , siren screaming , the lieutenant was calling into his pocket transmitter .
21 Five days later three terrorists were apprehended by the DST , French counter-intelligence , as they drove towards the German frontier .
22 And as they came towards the end of the day he had to do some quick thinking to find out whether he 'd have to keep the men working right up to the last minute in order to get the stint , of three-quarter of an acre 's ploughing for each man , finished .
23 They came towards the seated group cautiously but without hesitation — almost as if their entrance had been prearranged .
24 The weather is unpredictable and the mountains exceptionally high as they climb towards the Vaults .
25 The law therefore places duties upon partners which they owe towards the other members of the partnership .
26 Some of these influences carried forward into the first fortnight of the campaign , though they faded towards the end .
27 They were within sight of the airfield when Woolley inexplicably wheeled left and they climbed towards the mattress of cloud .
28 Then they turned towards the
29 ‘ Nevertheless , we 're talking ownership here , ’ Florian insisted as they turned towards the open door .
30 They turned towards the sea and went to look for work on the boats .
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