Example sentences of "they [verb] themselves into " in BNC.

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1 When they launch themselves into the air they suddenly straighten their bodies and hollow out their lower surfaces .
2 Young albatrosses on the Leeward Islands spend many days flapping their wings to exercise their muscles and develop their strength , but when they launch themselves into the air , they have to get it right first time .
3 Instead , they got themselves into a thoroughly embarrassing mess , saying they accepted Gatting 's statement that nothing improper had taken place but sacking him all the same .
4 Can they make themselves into a statue of , for example , Anancy playing a trick ?
5 This does not mean that they put themselves into the hands of an absolute authority .
6 They banded themselves into an organisation which they called Charter 88 .
7 The New Party made some members when they started , but when they turned themselves into the Fascist Party er they they rid of themselves of many of these er New Party peop , was in the New Party you know .
8 They threw themselves into the celebrations , a temporary release from the daily routine , but the problems would still be there once the party was over .
9 If anyone did maybe they threw themselves into the Aire after leaving the ground ; - )
10 It may be because the juniors act independently with equal quantities of youthful enthusiasm and historical ignorance that they get themselves into situations that the dinosaurs have seen before .
11 They worked themselves into a state of frenzy near unconsciousness by means of dizzy swirling dances with excessive contortions of the body , accompanied by the violent stimulation of the rhythm of monotonous music …
12 THE Tory politicians have talked about the need for action on the drift-netting problem but achieved nothing for , as is par for Westminster course , when they say something they delude themselves into believing that they have done something .
13 Ten years ago they formed themselves into the Hargeisa Group to lobby the government for a better deal for the north .
14 Settling down they formed themselves into small communities under one leader , this being the beginning of our village system as we know it now .
15 The title dates back many centuries to the days when the Speaker was the King 's representative in parliament and when MPs wanted to debate raising money they formed themselves into a committee with an MP in the chair so that they could discuss the subject away from the prying ears of the Palace .
16 The title dates back many centuries to the days when the Speaker was the King 's representative in parliament and when MPs wanted to debate raising money they formed themselves into a committee with an MP in the chair so that they could discuss the subject away from the prying ears of the Palace .
17 That way chaos lies , but the Window are aware that the best tension is created from a structure being stretched and shattered , so they rein themselves into songs and mess that way .
18 Nearby , the trees were distinguishable as oaks , ashes , chestnuts , yews , but gradually they resolved themselves into a universal greenness .
19 When they launched themselves into production in 1922 , Balcon and Saville with Woman to Woman , the story of a shell-shocked officer who comes out of amnesia to discover the truth about his sordid past , and Wilcox with two films of which the second , a florid melodrama called The Flames of Passion , was a hit , they used the same director , Graham Cutts , and judged it worthwhile incurring the expense of bringing over American stars , Betty Compson for Woman , Mae Marsh for Flames , in order to increase their films ' marquee value at home and abroad .
20 When they launched themselves into the dusk they seemed to fill the sky to the north for long minutes , and their cries reached as far as the village .
21 They ran themselves into the ground , ran Chesterfield off the pitch , but they could n't get another goal .
22 The monstrous arrogance of a Henry VIII , the pathological need for flattery of an Elizabeth , may suggest that this was a side of kingship which was in danger of taking monarchs out of touch with reality , as they wound themselves into a cocoon of adulation .
23 As Winston Churchill was to write : ‘ Honour must ever be done to the Tsar and Russian nation for the noble ardour and loyalty with which they hurled themselves into the war . ’
24 as if conforming to some prearranged ceremony they grouped themselves into a semicircle with Alex Mair a little to the front , like a formal welcoming party but one bracing itself for trouble rather than expecting pleasure from the approaching guest .
25 M I five operates it in Northern Ireland and has got this whole series you may well have seen the television programme recently about these people who work undercover and who work for the intelligence and they they work themselves into the I R A and become members and then they feed the information back to British it 's been very successful and a couple of insiders is risky and we eventually when they are discovered who these people are , they have to be given new identities , plastic surgery and the works .
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