Example sentences of "they managed [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She went on to talk to children in the refuge creche and to ask the helpers if they managed to leave work problems behind when they returned home in the evening — ‘ otherwise , it must get so depressing for you . ’
2 They managed to see Maeda who dropped hints and told them to be circumspect .
3 He hurried to her aid and between them they managed to half-carry Miss Merchiston from the room .
4 They managed to bend objects within sealed containers by simply opening the lids ; the seal was not very effective and the tampering was not detected .
5 Between them they managed to organize £50,000 from ICFC on a three-month note and rapidly tried to straighten out the balance sheet .
6 The patrol marched on and the raiders slipped on to the airfield where they managed to place bombs on the twenty-one aircraft , some vehicles and a fuel dump .
7 This encouraged the Scots to invade England and they managed to capture Berwick .
8 Their first auction in Moscow was successful because they managed to obtain permission from the Soviet authorities to export a group of Russian paintings from the Twenties and Thirties .
9 When the attack ceased they managed to cannibalize parts to get one truck going and set off for the rendezvous with Fraser , only to find nobody there .
10 The strong cross-wind was now more in Town 's favour and they managed to keep play in Cranleigh 's half for long periods .
11 This area of soft rolling dunes caused no end of delay , but they managed to make contact with Jordan and join up at Bir Soltane .
12 They managed to send Richard to school and at some time he attracted the notice of the lawyer-priest Thomas de Nevill , later Archdeacon of Durham , who gave him a grant to study at Oxford when he was about thirteen or fourteen years old .
13 Every king from James I to James V ( though not Mary ) built ; as with the great guns and the great ships , so they managed to find money for the great buildings .
14 And also one of the things we have done is we 've booked this erm Just The Job Exhibition , which we brought down from Liverpool , and it 's got fifty life-size images of black and Asian women , with erm a little bit on their experiences at work , how they managed to find jobs , how they got started in their careers , and we felt that would be erm an inspiration to women coming into Cowley Centre .
15 At two stores they managed to steal alcohol and cigarettes .
16 But eventually they managed to get hold of some pieces to suit the new look : two Bauhaus chairs , a bent-arm chair in black by Mario Botta , a halogen light by VeArt from Italy and a huge black refrigerator by Zanussi , designed in Italy by Pezzatta .
17 Between them all , they managed to get Liam to the house , the twins being much amused by all the palaver .
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