Example sentences of "they pass [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Black Prince supposedly granted the ferry rights in 1364 to his porter William Lenche who had lost an eye at Poitiers and later that century they passed to the borough , which held them until the opening of the Tamar Bridge .
2 Everyone had brought a small handful of husked rice , which they passed to the front to be put on a plate beside the dhāmi .
3 Originally , they were the property of the crown , but in time they passed to the local aristocrats .
4 Pews were not personal possessions that could be sold or bequeathed but were part of the property of each farm , tenement or cottage , they passed to the new owner or occupier once the property was sold or transferred .
5 They passed under the stone archway and went out into Castle Street .
6 As they passed under the arch into the cloister , he said : ‘ Did you like the Pitts ?
7 For days they passed across the plain below the Legation .
8 As they passed between the two pillars along the path by which they had entered , the Wheel cleared with plenty of room to spare .
9 The crew were in high spirits as they passed over the channel as this was to be their last mission before leave , away from the stress of bombing well protected targets over Germany .
10 As they passed through the gate into the yard , he added : ‘ If I was you , lad , I would n't be too nosey . ’
11 ‘ Do n't you want to get your overcoat ? ’ she asked , as they passed through the swing doors into the freezing outside air .
12 As they passed through the hall , she saw him glance at the picture that was hanging there , and asked him on an impulse if he knew who the original was .
13 They passed through the hall again ; then he followed her across the lawn to where a rough wooden table was placed near the trunk of a large oak tree , to which was nailed an equally rough seat .
14 They passed through the turnstile in the canal railings and took the gravel path to the porch of the south door , the one to which Miss Wharton had a key .
15 They passed through the outer vestibule then under the fluted dome of the inner hall .
16 In America , partly because of more recycling , safeguards depended more on full accounting for the nuclear materials themselves as they passed through the long and complex procedures .
17 We 've seen a couple of their machines briefly , as they passed through the office on their way for testing , they look like competent machines .
18 Gradually , the noise and traffic increased , and as they passed through the meat market at Smithfield , Oliver was amazed by the sight and smells of so many animals , and by the huge crowds of people , all pushing and swearing and shouting .
19 They passed through the barrier , waving , jostling Culley as they went .
20 As they passed through the town of Isserre , spots of rain spat on to the windscreen .
21 As they passed through the gate , Vasilissa took one of the skulls .
22 They passed through the entrance hall which ran almost the whole length of the house , their feet suddenly loud on the marble tessellated floor .
23 As they passed through the dancers , Connon noticed-Pascoe moving slowly around with an attractive young girl .
24 As they passed through the reception area on their way to the restaurant , they caught a glimpse of a dark green car with a German number plate driving away .
25 ‘ We 've all got to share , ’ she said , as they passed through the swing doors and found themselves looking down at the courtyard of the Museum .
26 They passed through the gate to the settlement , weaved between the new hides stretched on their frames , and ducked into the long-house .
27 They passed through the iron gates and the lodge , up the drive bordered with rhododendons , into the home park dotted with massive trees , to the grand sweep of gravel in front of the house .
28 With Dalgliesh carrying Anthony they passed into the cottage .
29 Hathor was also thought to dispense food and drink to the dead as they passed into the Afterworld , and some papyri show her either licking a newly dead soul or offering comforting suck from her udder , whilst in her guise as a cow .
30 They passed into the fitful darkness of the dock cavern .
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