Example sentences of "they [am/are] looking for " in BNC.

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1 If they are looking for salvation , he wrote , they will find it .
2 These will all be presented to interested donors in a common summarised format that will provide them with the information they are looking for to make their decisions .
3 Allied Breweries ' Taylor Walker subsidiary may consider the chain is just what they are looking for to increase their estate .
4 Instead they are looking for to recruit people between 45 and 65 , who they feel are more likely to remain cool in the crises which plague , that kind of holiday .
5 Instead they are looking for to recruit people between 45 and 65 , who they feel are more likely to remain cool in the crises which plague , that kind of holiday .
6 ‘ While people are cautious about a lot of developments in Europe , rightly so , and while they are looking for British advantage , rightly so , they realise it can not be done from the back of the class .
7 So they are looking for ways to use their voices rather than their feet to influence management .
8 As more breeders being to use cow genetic index as a benchmark of genetic potential , they are looking for animals with pedigrees to make significant advances in their herds .
9 As much to assist the artists as the public , both the National Portrait Gallery and the RSPP run free informal advisory services ( by appointment ) , enabling prospective patrons to form some idea of the style they are looking for , and receive some strictly-off-the-record advice about probable fees .
10 I can recommend any family will find what they are looking for at an HCI Club .
11 To help their case , they are looking for case histories of people who have been affected because of the lack of access to their files .
12 They are looking for someone who is hiding , ’ said the mother .
13 But the other thing of value that we came away with — much harder to define — was the beginning of an understanding of who 's out there : who your market might be ; what they are looking for ; and how you might approach them .
14 Paul Corrigan suggests that teenagers behave the way they do at the seaside , or at football matches , because they are looking for a memorable experience to balance the boredom of the rest of their lives .
15 With R&D they are looking for new products ; with community programmes they are looking to develop an environment that is good for business . ’
16 They are looking for you .
17 Try and understand what it is they are looking for .
18 Lastly , just as people looking for jobs are advised to ask around and find out about prospects through the grapevine rather than from official sources , employers too , where appropriate , can let it be known that they are looking for a certain sort of employee .
19 have a clear picture of the person they are looking for , ;
20 drawing up a list of questions in advance , is advised for standard interviews , so that comparison between candidates is easier and the interviewers have a clear idea of what they are looking for ;
21 And they are looking for local sponsorship .
22 They are looking for another 90 agents nationwide .
23 Thus they are naturally predisposed to find what they are looking for .
24 They are looking for partners to develop the idea throughout Europe .
25 A My advice would be to telephone around your local salons to ask if they are looking for suitable ‘ house models ’ .
26 Iraq 's EC ambassador Zaid Haidar said : ‘ They are looking for military action to boost the re-election of Bush . ’
27 They are looking for drugs . ’
28 They may have a requirement where they are looking for a very high return on capital employed and need to attract and retain the very best people in order to achieve that .
29 No public inquiry report has yet been written in the ICAO format , making it difficult for researchers into air safety matters to extract the information they are looking for .
30 They want to have control over where they 're going , but they are looking for us to make suggestions and give guidance [ on the technology ] .
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