Example sentences of "might affect [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Theorists say that a stockmarket is ‘ efficient ’ if prices take account of all information that is available that might affect a firm 's future cash flow .
2 The others are less fierce , but still prohibit any relationship that might affect a lawyer 's ability to handle a case properly .
3 That is welcome , as is a second proposal to help supervisors measure how movements in interest rates might affect a bank 's financial strength .
4 There were also major political reasons that might affect the making and breaking of alliances .
5 Any facts that might affect the customer 's decision whether or not to proceed must be disclosed .
6 The following excerpt from the articles was cited by Morland J. as an example of the allegations as they might affect the reputation of the council and might be defamatory :
7 In this chapter we briefly examine the development of community care policy ; consider the Griffiths reforms and how they might affect the structure and organization of social service departments ; and consider the role of formal and informal caring agencies .
8 The judges in that case recognised that decisions of the stewards might affect the public but concluded they were not decisions in the sphere of public law .
9 When the product or service being exchanged is complex ( as is the case with health care ) , it is either impossible or extremely costly to specify in advance in a written contract every contingency that might affect the transaction .
10 Any Inland Revenue concessions or practice statements relied on should be identified and care taken to be aware of any changes in the law or practice which might affect the buy-out .
11 There i , there are a number of things that might affect the way in which we speak and how we use language in every day conversation , such as where we live , where we went to school , what
12 5 Identify two other factors which might affect the size of the percentage error and conduct an investigation to consider what effect , if any , that these factors have had on the error .
13 Thus , the APT system allows investors to react to market sensitive news released late in the afternoon and also to movements of New York share prices that might affect the direction of the following day 's trading on the ISE .
14 The court must particularly bear in mind in the case of a legally aided plaintiff that it is in the public interest to have such an early disclosure , which might affect the bringing or continuance of legal proceedings ; if discovery is ordered and it discloses that there is no case , then that is an end to it .
15 ‘ What specifically are you saying that might affect the handling of this case ? ’
16 The Anglian Water Authority , which said it had been constrained from discussing the problems because it might affect the price of shares during privatisation , refused last night to attend a meeting of local people worried about the problem .
17 Additional cover may be demanded by LCH from time to time in respect of initial or variation margin , as new contracts are presented by the member for registration , as the market price moves in relation to subsisting open contracts or when something occurs that might affect the member 's performance .
18 The equations that define the and curves are important because they explain how fiscal policy might affect the level of output in an economy .
19 And he should certainly be present and represented if the matter might affect the course of his trial .
20 Enhanced solution by the alkaline groundwater of minerals that line fractures in the repository host rock might affect the sorption capacity of the rock and its water-flow characteristics .
21 ‘ Elsewhere short-termism has had a terrible impact on the industry with quarterly reporting and the fear of doing anything that might affect the share price , ’ he said .
22 Okay , but I just wanted to go on to say that I think in reviewing how the budget may be brought more closely under control in the coming year , officers will need to look at the erm size of the committees because we are working with committees at the moment that are larger than those committees which used to exist when this year 's budget was set and that has had some impact and we need to have the implications of any change of committee size whether that might affect the budget , how that would affect the budget , also whether there is any potential for reducing the number of committees further and also whether the rates might be changed , I particularly would like officers to report on what , whether there would be any significant saving from er setting the rates at the round figures they were at a couple of years ago erm
23 During the mid 1970s , it was suggested that the increased use of nitrogen-based agricultural fertilizers and/or nitrogen-fixing vegetation might affect the nitrogen cycle and result in an increase in the amounts of oxides of nitrogen released from the surface into the atmosphere .
24 HE WO N'T cut over-high interest rates , which are killing industry and throwing families on the streets , because that might affect the pound .
25 Second , any change in the existing structure might affect the distribution of power between the two rival communities .
26 When a vehicle is being weighed , the weigher should satisfy himself that all the wheels are on the plate and clear of the surround , and that no person is on the vehicle or the plate , or interfering in any way which might affect the weighing , and the engine must be switched off .
27 That may be true , and it might affect the balance of advantage and disadvantage , but it does not need to be resolved at this stage .
28 There were many things he would have liked to have done but he needed this man , who , with a combination of chance and logic , could reach the truths which might affect the realm .
29 Nevertheless , evidence for lactose intolerance , excessive caffeine intake , use of sorbitol-containing gum , or other drug or dietary habit that might affect the gut should be sought .
30 For example , you may be asked to give your opinion on how a promotional scheme might affect the image of his product and company .
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