Example sentences of "each [noun sg] accuse the " in BNC.

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1 The agreement surprised many observers because the talks had appeared deadlocked over the issue of independence for the copper-rich island of Bougainville , with each side accusing the other of responsibility for atrocities committed during the two-year guerrilla struggle .
2 The controversy has resulted in each side accusing the other of contributing to the seal 's demise .
3 The releases were temporarily suspended in late July when each side accused the other of failing to respect the terms of their agreement .
4 This was probably what caused most ill-feeling , and the end of August and beginning of September saw a number of well-attended and noisy meetings where each side accused the other of a multitude of sins .
5 The level of violence ( which had resulted in some 5,000 deaths since the breakdown of peace talks in June 1990 ) fell dramatically during the period of the ceasefire , although each side accused the other of extensive violations .
6 Although each side accused the other with ceasefire violations throughout May , observers noted a definite lull in the fighting .
7 Tension had mounted throughout the country in recent months as each side accused the other of failing to fulfil the terms of the peace agreement [ see p. 38809 ] .
8 In the dispute with the Supreme Soviet , each side accused the other of taking over control of the paper in violation of the June 1990 USSR law on press freedom [ see p. 37541 ] .
9 Each sect accused the other of wishing to observe the prescribed religious festivals at the wrong times , although in practice they had to keep to the same dates .
10 The ambush had taken place in the southern front area , where an exchange of fire between the two sides to the conflict took place on March 13 , with each country accusing the other of opening fire .
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