Example sentences of "does not allow [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The only way Masefield can make this credible is to present her as a kind of child-bride , a happy innocent ; necessary as this may be to both the theme and the plot of the book , it does not allow her to develop beyond the limits of a type-character .
2 ‘ As an investor , I have to say that this environment does not allow me to put more money into Hong Kong .
3 My temperament does not allow me to refuse a challenge , especially if my race is insulted .
4 At the moment , I 'm under the discipline of , of the Church of England , which does not allow me to exercise my priestly functions ; there are n't many women here who are priests and can do this kind of thing , so I really do n't know what will happen .
5 His wife has given up work as a secretary to stay at home with their three young children , yet the law does not allow him to take up her full tax allowance .
6 This is because his present stance does not allow him to move freely into the ball .
7 The error in the phenomenological approach of Berger is that it does not allow him to see that one of the social processes which affects the success of some theories , in terms of their historical effects , is precisely the process of rational discussion and truth-testing which occurs in science .
8 It is our interests , rather than those of a degenerate and selfish minority , that the police should protect ; and if the law at present does not allow them to do so then the law must be changed .
9 They will not be helped in this task if the way they read does not allow them to perceive with clarity what they are learning to interpret .
10 If the whole system of deaf education is based on underexpectation and the undervaluing of deaf people 's abilities , then it becomes remarkably easy to make sure that the system does not allow them to develop these abilities .
11 Remember , the law does not allow you to carry anything which can be described as an ‘ offensive weapon ’ such as a sharpened comb or a knife .
12 You will find no happiness , for ultimately life does not allow you to get away with anything , but rather , it has an uncanny way of asking for payment when we least expect it .
13 ‘ If your employer does not allow you to undertake [ prescribing ] and you embark on it , then if you are negligent , you are on your own , ’ he said .
14 The law does not allow you to give away substantial sums of money , for example to a relative or a charity , prior to coming into care in order to pay a lower charge for your accommodation .
15 The capitalist economy , while ensuring the continuance of the peasant sector , does not allow it to develop sufficiently to extricate itself from its subordinate role , for this would destroy its value for capitalism .
16 In his latest publication on literacy , The Domestication of the Savage Mind ( 1977 ) , Goody acknowledges this work , but does not allow it to deflect from his design .
17 The story does not allow us to answer those questions for certain .
18 The fact that believing in God involves an acceptance of uncertainty does not allow us to accept any degree of uncertainty , or that trust will also be misplaced .
19 The treaty of Brest-Litovsk , which the military superiority of Germany forced upon the young Soviet State at the end of the year , revealed the limits of its power : ‘ The past keeps fast hold of us , ’ Lenin observed gloomily at the 8th Party Congress , ‘ grasps us with a thousand tentacles , and does not allow us to take a single forward step , or compels us to take these steps badly . ’
20 The Gomez couple in Flame in the Street , although they have their arguments and race-related problems , appear relatively happy , if rather passionless : the structure of the narrative , taking place as it does over a period of one day , does not allow us to see the child that Judy Gomez is carrying .
21 Apathy , that dead state , does not allow us to recharge at all .
22 This list reflects an acceptance of contrasting ideas and ideologies which does not allow us to be simplistically labelled ( ‘ progressive ’ , or otherwise ) and we do n't want to be .
23 The law does not allow us to sell alcohol to persons under 18 years of age .
24 The problem is that the research does not allow us to distinguish the relative usefulness of the different interventions or their component parts .
25 However , knowledge of abilities does not allow us to predict performance — only to predict the potential to perform .
26 But experience does not allow us to predict how a person will perform , only the potential to perform .
27 A truer and weaker version of UP , UP 2 : a knows the meaning of p → a knows the difference the truth of p would make to the evidence of a 's senses , does not allow us to assert the sort of identity enshrined in MP , because it no longer contains the biconditional ‘ iff ’ .
28 ‘ Whilst appreciating the simplicity of this approach , we think , for the reasons already set out , that the wording of the Act , coupled with the decision in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 , does not allow us to adopt this solution .
29 Whether the artist of these three was Mikon or Polygnotos the evidence does not allow us to say .
30 That is , it does not take into account the fact that particles do not have precisely defined positions and velocities but are ‘ smeared out ’ over a small region by the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics that does not allow us to measure simultaneously both the position and the velocity .
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