Example sentences of "does not seem to " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , the required energy coupling capacitors cause problems and can be expensive at higher current levels , and there does not seem to be any proof that there is a volume , weight , or cost saving over the standard Buck topology for any given equivalent performance level .
2 But here Mr Lawson does not seem to be quite so indifferent to the behaviour of consenting adults : he has been endeavouring to control their behaviour by altering the price at which they can borrow .
3 THERE does not seem to be much good news about for any bulls in the advertising agency sector .
4 Neighbourhood men are often the butt of jokes among section police about their laziness , because what the neighbourhood police do does not seem to them like work , and certainly not ‘ real ’ police work .
5 It does not seem to me that a reader principally interested in capitalism , or imperialism , or the theories of such Marxist writers as Althusser or Gramsci would turn to a book such as this , and so I have kept discussion of these topics to a minimum .
6 ‘ If murder is to be reserved for those homicides which are most deserving of stigma , this does not seem to be one of them . ’
7 It is a great shame that such a showy and obliging plant does not seem to be sold by any nursery today .
8 There is a deep sense of untimeliness about the death of a child and whereas , as we have seen in an earlier chapter , it is possible to look on some deaths as timely and part of the natural rhythm of life , when a child is involved this does not seem to be so .
9 Maybe at the end of our enquiry we shall decide that no philosophical sense can be made of the world — and the world does not seem to be primarily linguistic .
10 In the oceans , this does not seem to be so .
11 ‘ It does not seem to be a hive of industry , ’ Morton said .
12 Press response If there does not seem to be any response to your press release , do not be afraid to follow it up with a telephone call .
13 What it does not seem to me to offer , and what seems crucial for the intensely generic regime which television operates , is the beginning of a theory of genre specific to television which addresses not only the systems , but the forms of subjectivity which these systems imply .
14 It does not seem to me to address the problem to say that if the producers produce the programmes the audience will supply the criticism .
15 what if treatment does not seem to be working ?
16 A General Council of all the Churches does not seem to be a realistic possibility in the foreseeable future .
17 However , the reluctance of sentencers to imprison women does not seem to be based on any clear principles , given the supposed principle of equality before the law .
18 For deep injuries to muscles and joints when Arnica does not seem to be working well enough .
19 With deep injuries to muscles and joints when Arnica does not seem to be working well enough .
20 Long term insect action may produce modifications similar to that produced by wood-boring insects on dead wood ( Behrensmeyer , 1978 ; Thorne & Kimsey , 1983 ) , but this does not seem to be common .
21 On the other hand , the proportions of vegetation destroyed in temperate habitats are much less , and this does not seem to be a limiting factor in these areas .
22 If substantial structural change is taking place , then , it does not seem to be following the lines which would be suggested by public choice theory .
23 In this sense , while its practical effects would demand close supervision , and while the evidence for it is all late , there does not seem to be any particular reason why the classical jurists should not have admitted it .
24 Indeed , he does not seem to be aware that it exists : ‘ All Darwinism has to say about such miracles is that they are due to chance . ’
25 It does not seem to be widely realised that words have shape and colour and rhythm as well as meaning .
26 Frogs and toads occasionally employ this device , but it does not seem to be very widespread among these amphibians .
27 The majority of the incomers who settled in these localities were young couples who were still committed to a strategy of occupational and residential mobility in order to further their career interests ; they were ‘ spiralists ’ , and with only a few exceptions , their residence does not seem to be permanent .
28 This does not seem to be the case .
29 Yet the full range of communion available to fellow members of a species , even between strangers from different parts of the world , does not seem to be normally available across species boundaries .
30 Even so , it does not seem to be entirely appropriate that , as I have heard privately reported , ministers of the crown now ask to be invited to dinner parties with wealthy Arable in order to try to secure contributions to the Conservative cause .
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