Example sentences of "does [adv] include [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But even if treating our awareness of our own mental states as topic-neutral plausibly explains why we are not aware of our brains as such when we are aware of our mental states , it does not explain why knowing fully about the brain does not include knowledge of the nature of experience .
2 Remember that the information available in the th market at the beginning of period t includes knowledge of all past aggregate and local variables and of p ( ) t , but does not include knowledge of any other current price .
3 It does not include birds for which a separate report is being compiled by the NCC and RSPB .
4 Note that this does not include monsters ridden by characters , which must be paid for from the Characters allowance .
5 Note that this does not include monsters ridden by characters , which must be paid for from the character allowance .
6 It does not include Monsters chosen as mounts for characters .
7 It does not include travel insurance , wine and drinks with meals and room service .
8 There seems to be a consistent theory that satisfies properties 1 and 3 but that does not include gravity .
9 Even here much of the relevant economic and employment data is by ‘ travel-to-work ’ area , and it is noteworthy that the Newcastle travel-to-work area , which includes both North Shields and Cramlington , extends up into Northumberland and down to include the Derwent Valley in County Durham , but does not include South Tyneside and Wear side .
10 The fee for burial does not include charges for grave-digging , which may be carried out by a parochial officer ( in which case the vicar sets the charge ) , or by a grave-digger hired by the funeral director .
11 ( 10 ) The references in this section to the execution of a deed by an individual do not include execution by a corporation sole and the reference in subsection ( 7 ) above to signing , sealing or delivery by an individual does not include signing , sealing or delivery by such a corporation .
12 This does not include meals .
13 This figure does not include school children , students , housewives , mothers with small children , senior citizens , or people who are unemployed ; nor does it include those many people who struggle into work with an aching back .
14 It does not include members of the Cabinet or Government , or of the shadow Cabinet , and , unfortunately , is not even allowed to include Parliamentary Private Secretaries .
15 This list is not intended to be exhaustive , and certainly does not include areas where your nursing qualification is used indirectly , such as working as a children 's nanny or as a sales representative for a pharmaceutical or product manufacturer .
16 This figure ( about 18,830 tons ) does not include ore mined above the ever lengthening Deep Adit Level , or the numerous other adits such as Fleming 's , Taylor 's , Grey Crag , Middle , Top , Gaunt 's , or Kernal — the last five being at Paddies ' End .
17 It was like Frazer 's looking into the ‘ abysm of time ’ , but it was a vision only imperfectly appreciated by Charlie Mears , as the narrator of ‘ The Finest Story in the World ’ emphasizes : ‘ Above all , he was absolutely ignorant of the knowledge sold to me for five pounds ; and he would retain that ignorance , for bank-clerks do not understand metempsychosis , and a sound commercial education does not include Greek . ’
18 Where , however , the settlor is not domiciled or not resident or not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom in any year of assessment the term does not include income arising under a settlement in that year in respect of which the settlor , if he were actually entitled thereto , would not be chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise by reason of his now being so domiciled , resident or ordinarily resident .
20 ’ group ’ does not include shareholders if , for the disposer , this is their only relationship with the company or , for an acquiror , this will be their only relationship .
21 The venture does not include Britain and Japan .
22 The data does not include Britain 's trade with EC countries which accounts for half of total business .
23 It does not include problems which may be thought of as on the fringe of sexual considerations such as unmarried motherhood , neurotic guilt about sex or non-sexual marital dissonance , although all of these may in themselves stimulate sexual difficulty .
24 Erm the provision in policy I five does not include recycling land in in existing
25 ‘ Work ’ in this statement does not include housework , ill-paid home sewing or the heavy work of carrying food to the fields in Pakistan .
26 The Ingelheim attendance list unfortunately does not include laymen ; but Nithard says that " all those living between the Meuse and the Seine " sent an urgent message to Charles in Aquitaine , " telling him to come before they were taken over by Lothar " .
27 Instead they may have formed in a manner similar to many Cordilleran batholiths , from crust that is basaltic ( density 3.0Mgm -3 ) and does not include Precambrian basement-type material .
28 The officially recorded capital outflow , which does not include debt servicing , was a modest $1.4 billion .
29 Riding schools have an estimated annual turnover of £9 million and horsefeed £60 million , which does not include specialist supplements .
30 Firstly , on the narrow ground that the word ‘ premises ’ in s.91 of the 1875 Act ( now replaced by s.92 of the Public Health Act 1936 ) does not include sewage disposal works .
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