Example sentences of "more than [art] third " in BNC.

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1 This page Business failures : Business failures soared by more than a third in the second half of this year .
2 That is why figures produced by credit insurer Trade Indemnity , showing the rate of business failures soaring by more than a third in the second half of this year , are so worrying .
3 Sales — mostly of properties in the North-west of England , so far one of the more resilient areas in the slump - fell by more than a third , from 502 homes to 316 .
4 More than a third of Britain 's bird species need urgent protection , according to a report by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
5 Eight per cent — more than a third of all shareowners — had investments only in privatised companies .
6 Between 1929 and 1933 America 's national income fell by more than half in money terms , and by more than a third in real terms .
7 If junior creditors account for more than a third of the creditors , they can force concessions from their senior partners .
8 The group also rewarded Egypt for its part in the Gulf alliance by agreeing to write off more than a third of the country 's debt to foreign governments .
9 Not all of them : a black middle class has mushroomed , from about one in ten blacks in 1960 to more than a third today .
10 The government 's North Sea oil take is depressed at present but will be on a rising trend as production begins to rise again to its 1985 peak and could account for more than a third of public spending .
11 DAGENHAM Motors , the London and South East-based Ford dealer , sold nearly a fifth fewer new cars last year contributing to a fall in profits of more than a third to £2.1m .
12 More than a third of the British — some 14 million — will soon be aged 50 or over .
13 ‘ Looking at those over 16 , we guess that about 3m of these savers are entitled to gross interest but little more than a third — 1.2m — have registered . ’
14 Their numbers have grown by more than a third since 1979 , while the number of self-employed people has grown to over 12 per cent of the workforce .
15 This is not necessarily so : the US used roughly the same amount of energy each year from 1973 to 1985 , while its gross domestic product grew by more than a third .
16 fewer lone mothers worked part-time , about a quarter , compared with more than a third of married mothers .
17 More than a third of single mothers are in this position .
18 Since the 1900s , despite the increasing numbers of the elderly , the proportion has again fallen back by more than a third .
19 Although she was supported by little more than a third of the electorate ( or 40% or so of those voting ) , there seemed no prospect of ousting her from office .
20 More than a third of these conditions had been previously undetected , and two-thirds of the illnesses were manageable , while half of them were totally cleared up by treatment .
21 Malaysia now produces more than a third of the world 's 's palm oil , and oil palm nuts make an attractive food for the Malayan wood rat ( Rattus tiomanicus ) , the ricefield rat ( Rattus argentiventer ) , and the little rat ( Rattus exulans ) .
22 It was centred on Athens and felt by more than a third of the population .
23 The report of that research — Accident risk and behavioural patterns of younger drivers , published last year — showed that more than a third of the men aged 17 to 25 were assessed as ‘ unsafe ’ drivers , and suggested that this had more to do with lifestyle than with driving skills .
24 The biggest challenge facing the city is to create a dynamic economy in the ex-socialist eastern districts , where unemployment is exploding , and where pay levels are at best 60 per cent of those in the west — sometimes little more than a third .
25 In deciding to take action over the aids to CNP , the Commission points to the unfairness of state subsidies in the ‘ fiercely competitive ’ ECU 280 000m EC chemical industry , in which more than a third of all production is traded between the 12 member states .
26 More than a third of the German population lived on the land , the east was still dominated by the huge Junker estates and the south by the highly conservative small- and middle-scale farmers and their labourers .
27 Although rental accommodation comprised more than a third of Pittsburgh 's housing only 5 per cent of URA housing expenditure was expressly devoted to this sector .
28 More than a third said they would take advantage of free insurance while one in four opted for free child places .
29 More than a third of the population — almost 20 million — watched the compilation of clips from earlier shows , which had already been screened a year before .
30 Its branches reported 1,350 incidents of bomb damage , and more than a third of the staff left to serve in the armed forces .
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