Example sentences of "through the narrow [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He set about struggling through the narrow window , one hand clutching the Champagne by its neck .
2 The animal took no notice and clopped on at a steady plodding pace through the narrow turning .
3 Later , in the chapel adjoining the castle , Father Jerome said Benediction and prayed for Sara and the life that lay before her ; and then she went up the narrow staircase to her bed and , when Candida had helped her to undress , stood a while longer at her window , looking through the narrow slit at the lights in the harbour and the dark , massive mountains behind .
4 He had simply run in a direct line from their holes to his own , passing on his way through the narrow strip of woodland that lay between .
5 yes , yes , that 's why it tells us in verse twenty four of Luke thirteen ex exert yourself vigorously to get in through the narrow door
6 While she had been speaking , the dogs had been struggling to get through the narrow crack of open door .
7 Gina ran her bike over his foot viciously as she went out through the narrow hall .
8 By the time I had gone through the narrow tunnel to pit the first film had already started and I had to use the reflection of the action on the faces of the audience to find a seat without too much of ‘ Here , Here ’ and ‘ Sit down nuh ! ’ .
9 He looked through the narrow tavern window .
10 Much to Beth 's disapproval , Cissie had lately taken to observing visitors through the narrow chink , seeming to derive great pleasure from the knowledge that they could not see her .
11 To get to the lush meadows from the farm we had to weave a path through the narrow village lanes edged with cottages of golden stone and gardens in full summer bloom .
12 Although entrance is free we have to lay aside everything to enter through the narrow gate , so that it costs us everything .
13 The statistics of healthy and intelligent childhood were stretched out along the curve of achievement , and only some were allowed to travel through the narrow gate at eleven , towards the golden city .
14 Once through the narrow gate in the middle of the bridge I sprinted .
15 Peering anxiously through the narrow archway of the gatehouse , I was fully expecting to see a horse and carriage approach , when suddenly a bright , shiny bicycle came hurtling past , complete with hooter and Union Jack on the handlebars .
16 Despite the early hour , the arched gateway into the cemetery was already jammed with chai wallahs and snack sellers trying to push their barrows through the narrow entrance .
17 The rear window of one of the shops looked out over poor Mary 's deposited remains and Martin had to go in through the narrow entrance to flash his lamp on it .
18 One Sunday soon afterwards Mr Utterson was walking with his friend Enfield when they happened to pass through the narrow side-street again .
19 His hand withdrew from hers , and he was gone , stepping silently through the narrow wicket into the darkness of the street .
20 Although there is no speaker grille or cloth for protection , the cone does sit some six inches back from the front of the cab , so you would have to be very unlucky for anything to poke that far in through the narrow slot to do any damage .
21 The man continued to smile and then , with a quick , balanced movement , which in so bulky a man was nimble he moved backwards and sideways to allow Tallboy through the narrow porch into the house .
22 SOLDIERS step in a stooped position through the narrow steel door placed a foot off the ground in the concrete wall .
23 Directed by Alston , the screaming ‘ Blitz Buggy ’ turned off and shot down through the narrow side streets of the Arab quarter .
24 In a typical drive in March 1990 , Penghu fishermen rounded up a mixed herd of 50 to 60 bottlenose dolphins and false killer whales ( Pseudorca ) , and drove them through the narrow channel into Shakang Harbour .
25 Some hours later , under a dull red sunset , they were creeping up Kentra Bay in the shadow of Beinn Bhreac , past the bay where they 'd stopped too short the first raid , through the narrow channel to the sheltered pool behind .
26 Rosie O'Dell peered through the narrow gap , her eyes half-shut against the glare of daylight .
27 What I saw was staggering for the line which passed through those three points apparently intersected three others — a standing stone , just off the Marlborough Road , a bi-section of two round barrows — the line passed cleanly through the narrow gap between them , and finally the most important of all — the west end of the West Kennet long barrow .
28 Then he eased himself through the narrow gap feet first , and dropped lightly to the floor .
29 But helped by the wind it cleared the hump in the middle of the fairway , bounced high off the forward slope and ran through the narrow gap between the bunkers .
30 Lowering her head , Loretta stepped through the narrow gap , and found herself looking from the shadow of the gateway across a carefully tended lawn to the far side of the college .
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