Example sentences of "'ll [verb] the rest " in BNC.

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1 I 'll throw the rest away .
2 ‘ I 'll make the rest of the fish into a kedgeree , ’ Belinda told him .
3 I 'll eat the rest .
4 I think they believe that all they have to do is to turn up and they 'll beat the rest of us .
5 Now it 'll give the rest of the country the benefit of its experience of the problem .
6 You give him three quid and I 'll give the rest in .
7 They 'll do the rest .
8 All you have to do is fill in a simple form available from any Birmingham Midshires branch , and we 'll do the rest .
9 To book on to any of the seminars , or to receive a complete package of information including an up-to-date list of the forthcoming dates and venues BE SURE TO RETURN THE COUPON TODAY AND SECURE YOUR SUCCESS FOR THE FUTURE ( For more information simply attach business card — we 'll do the rest ) .
10 I 'll do the rest . ’
11 So she says if you just write me a letter and get your wife to sign it , we 'll do the rest , put your three hundred pounds in the in with your application .
12 I 'll do the rest . ’
13 Hush your noise and see to your journeymen , and I 'll do the rest . ’
14 Certainly when we get settled in after Christmas that should be and I 'll shall say about six rolls but I 'll shall say six rolls and just the every time I get one roll of wallpaper up and you you 'll think oh I 'll do the rest tomorrow just a bit more , then you get one more looks alright there , the other wall and er , I 'm sat , I 've been up all night doing this shall do one more then I 'll go a bed , I get from the wife bloody hell mother what time did you go to bed , about an hour ago , could n't leave it wallpaper .
15 I said to him yesterday wash all your important little places and I 'll do the rest , you know .
16 I 'll watch the rest of Newsnight in bed I think .
17 I 'll send the rest to the bungalow , and when you 've rested you can explore the town and , ’ with a sly chuckle , ‘ go on a shopping spree . ’
18 And even if it has n't , maybe Rohmer can see to it that you 'll spend the rest of your life behind bars along with Jimmy Devlin ?
19 I 'll spend the rest of my life knowing that I was willingly used by a man who did n't love me .
20 Wycliffe said : ‘ You 'd better go and talk to him , but find somebody who knows the area or you 'll spend the rest of the day chasing your tail on that moor . ’
21 I 'll spend the rest of that !
22 ‘ If I know that — which I do , somehow — surely I 'll remember the rest pretty soon ? ’
23 Well like I say I 'll I 'll mark the rest of them when I 've got them all in .
24 And I 'll have the rest I like it
25 You can have the cherry and I 'll have the rest of it .
26 I think I 'll have the rest of that please Paula , good
27 And I said well were on our way out so she said alright , were hang on and wait for you to arrive at seven and then I 'll take the rest back .
28 I 'll drink the rest , in a minute .
29 I 'll walk the rest . ’
30 Not much but my mum and dad said they 'll pay the rest .
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