Example sentences of "good [adv] far [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Days ago she had decided to be good — she was being quite good — but she was only pretending to be good so far and all this appreciation was as yet undeserved .
2 The former won , which was all to the good as far as the SAS was concerned .
3 I was interested to read your recent articles on commercial diver training , which were very good as far as they went .
4 Given that industrial democracy , defined as the ultimate right and duty of the men and women working in an industrial enterprise to call management to account for its performance , and , if that performance does not satisfy them , to replace management , is desirable in principle and as a means of making the efficient conduct of the enterprise their natural concern ; recognising that the rights of use attaching to ownership , whether in the private or public sector , are inalienable ; recognising the value in general of competition as a means of keeping production and provision sensitive to public needs and tastes , and as a means of relating the distribution of resources to them ; to consider ( i ) in what sort of industrial organisation would industrial democracy be feasible ; ( ii ) how far and in what circumstances would the adoption of such a form of organisation be feasible ; ( iii ) by what means should its adoption be promoted and how long would it take to establish it as a characteristic feature in the industrial scene ; ( iv ) what part should trade unions play in its promotion and adoption and what changes would that part require in their functions as they are commonly understood ; and ( v ) where in the case of a particular industry , or organisation , the general interest requires that accountability should be to the public at large , considered for example as consumers or users of goods produced or beneficiaries from services provided , what compensatory measures should be introduced so as to make good as far as possible the permanent denial to employees of a right which is in principle generally desirable ?
5 He does but they 're not very good as far as we 're concerned .
6 Young Charlie — who was always up to no good as far as I could see — nevertheless had what Tata called ‘ a future ’ .
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