Example sentences of "down [art] [noun sg] path " in BNC.

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1 Contacts down in New Orleans at the Unix International annual members meeting , where reporters are barred , called in last week as we went to press to say that nothing substantive had happened yet that would move the industry further down the unity path .
2 He had only just disappeared down the graveyard path and out of sight when the postman arrived at the back gate .
3 You just get out the path , you just get down the school path
4 They were taking their leave when they saw Rose walking down the field path .
5 ‘ I waited for Graham to arrive on Hampstead Heath — the hunched figure I knew so well tottering down the tarmac path that clings to the side of the hill in the twilight .
6 ‘ Come round the side , ’ he said , and I followed him down the tarmac path which was about a yard wide , between the school building and a six-foot wooden fence which isolated the first house in the terrace .
7 Going down the cinder path to the screen in the dark , with our one feeble torch , was always horrendous because of the rats scuttling across the path .
8 Dalgliesh waited until Meg had unlocked the front door and stepped inside before saying his final goodnight , and she stood for a moment watching his tall figure striding down the gravel path and into the darkness .
9 Looking relaxed and smiling , most of the family strolled down the gravel path from the church into the grounds of Sandringham for the short walk to the main house .
10 Carrefour gave them a wide grin , and stepped down the shadow path to their leader .
11 He decided to attack right down the landing path , diving from behind them , and he nudged his throbbing aircraft slightly to one side .
12 Madness had a smell , as Kathleen Lavender had watched the very old body move down the garden path .
13 ‘ Thought I raised a wench with a bit o' sense , ’ sniffed the old man as he trundled down the garden path with his wheelbarrow full of tools .
14 The other scurried down the garden path towards Meredith .
15 I swallowed this , and even as they walked me down the garden path and into the field where the half-built aviary was situated , I still had no idea what was going on .
16 Uncle Albert was struggling down the garden path carrying a heavy shopping bag .
17 At the front door , as she watched them go down the garden path , with their jolly waves and their toothpaste smiles , Viola shouted : ‘ And if you see that father of yours again , you can tell him it wo n't do .
18 ( Daddy strides down the garden path , walks in with briefcase to show he no longer uses a pick-axe .
19 As they reached the corner of Woodbine Close , Dudley Ford emerged from his front door and came striding down the garden path with Sinbad snuffling at his heels .
20 As it was I got Doreen because Duncan was half way down the garden path ( all three feet of it ) on his way to the pub .
21 They went down the garden path shielded by his big black umbrella .
22 She had no time to spare for embarrassment , due to shoes totally unsuitable for climbing down a cliff path .
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