Example sentences of "being met [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ned appeared to be whispering sweet nothings in her ear but his attentions were being met with a stony silence !
2 My enthusiastic return to the guitar business , to announce the greatest sensation in the history of the electric guitar , is being met with the most incredible barrage of libel and slander from various publications and potential customers — many of whom I counted among my friends .
3 It is often argued that the costs of regulation are front-end loaded , with the majority of costs being met with the startup of the SROs , subsequent running costs being minimal compared with the turnover of most financial institutions .
4 Coming back from school in England , being met at the airport , hoping to find Francis the other side of the door into the main building .
5 The action-packed day costs £249 and includes being met at the airport by Rudolf the reindeer , a trip to the Arctic Circle and Santa Village , snowmobiling and reindeer rides , a buffet lunch and a chance to do some shopping .
6 Have you ever had the experience of being met at an airport or a station by someone who did n't know you ?
7 The settlement does reflect some change in government policy and the areas of expenditure , which have previously attracted direct grant , are now being met through the grant accredits approvals , which do ultimately bring cash to the council , erm , because they keyed into assets aims , and the revenues court-room mechanism .
8 A Co-op spokesman says : ‘ We have found an alternative firm but it has meant that instead of mortgage repayments being met for a year , they will now only be paid for six months — and the price has had to rise as well . ’
9 Today the Royals can not relax for a second , can not step one foot outside their own home without being met by a barrage of photographers waiting for them to make the smallest slip .
10 After a reasonable period of time ( for example , two years ) there should be a review of the position to determine whether the mobility clause needs to be retained in the contract of employment if it was found that the need for mobility was being met by a sufficiently large group of staff willing to be mobile .
11 The cost of the operation , which was not disclosed , is being met by the Irish Government .
12 The bill for the royal party 's four-day stay — said to be up to £24,000 a night — is being met by the Korean government .
13 Statutory provision by social service departments can meet some needs , but others are increasingly being met by the voluntary and private sector , as well as by friends and relatives , informally and without pay .
14 NRM staff were in attendance on all steaming days , with operating costs being met by the WSR .
15 Surplus junior posts were to be converted to consultant posts , with additional service work being met by the new staff grade and a small increase in the number of senior house officers .
16 Following a small change in the rules for supplementary benefit provision elderly people claiming a supplementary pension were allowed to enter private residential care with the full cost being met by the state .
17 There is growing concern within the Youth Work Service that the changing needs of young people in Northern Ireland are not being met by the variety of statutory and voluntary bodies involved in youth work provision .
18 Preparation of an internal control questionnaire in which the auditor devises a series of questions to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a system and to test whether an objective of control is capable of being met by the system .
19 An allowance is given for each dependent child other than the applicant and the resultant net income is then compared with a scale which shows the parental contribution to school fees , the balance being met by the Scottish Education Department .
20 His own proposal , accepted some months later , was that both the Board and District should become Responsible Bodies for Cambridgeshire and that mutually negotiated and harmonious arrangements for local provision be agreed between them , with financial deficits being met from the LEA grant .
21 But what if some are being met in the private sector ?
22 But how is a health authority to know whether some of its population 's needs are being met in the private sector ?
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