Example sentences of "being carried [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , s.22(1) of the Alkali , etc. , Works Act 1906 provides for formal complaint to be made to HM Industrial Air Pollution Inspectorate via their inspectors , by any local authority or inhabitant of the district , if a process to which the Act applies is being carried on in contravention of the provisions of the Act and a nuisance has arisen .
2 In Russia English merchants had gone some way south of Moscow , and trade was also being carried on in the Eastern Mediterranean or Levant .
3 One sanitary inspector reported that ‘ far from being carried on in the poorer types of dwelling , outwork was taken to supplement their resources by many people whose names one would never expect to find on an outworkers list ’ .
4 Nonetheless every partner will have a right to know what is being carried on in his firm 's name and for which he is ultimately answerable .
5 Good estate management should result in the landlord maintaining an even balance of trades but the following clause is nevertheless prudent : Not to permit or suffer any [ adjoining or neighbouring premises in the ownership or control of the Landlord ] [ other premises in the Centre ] to be used for the business from time to time being carried on in the Premises
6 Such entry could be extremely disruptive to the tenant and the following proviso may be advisable : Anyone entering the Premises under any of the provisions contained in this Lease shall only do so if the purpose of such entry can not reasonably be achieved otherwise than by effecting entry on to the Premises and any person or persons entering the Premises pursuant to the provisions of this Lease shall cause the minimum of disturbance to the business being carried on in the Premises and shall not in any event prevent such business from being carried on and shall forthwith make good all damage caused by such entry
7 They went on to suggest that where complex insider activities are being carried out in a sub-language designed to exclude the uninformed , the best ethnography would probably be carried out by the insider/ethnographer .
8 The short winter days made this even more difficult with outdoor feeding , morning and evening , being carried out in darkness .
9 Witnesses at the inquest describe the excavation as being carried out in benches 5 feet high .
10 Under the approved scheme , with work being carried out in three phases , our headquarters will be a building site for three years .
11 Yet another youth project of a rather specialist nature is being carried out in the north east area .
12 In addition to the work being carried out in the UNEP HQ at Nairobi and in the GEMS/GRID site in Geneva , a series of GRID regional nodes are now being set up world-wide , each equipped with the same hardware and software and local subsets of the data .
13 Today pioneering work is being carried out in every faculty : engineers work on the motor car engine — botanists on plant breeding — physicists on the production of images of the soft tissue of the human body using revolutionary new techniques — social scientists on the political development of Eastern Europe and on computer systems which mimic human experts — literary scholars produce new insights into the works of major writers .
14 Experiments with lasers are now being carried out in nuclear physics laboratories throughout the world , revealing clues as to the shape and size of nuclei , for example , and providing a precision and sensitivity of measurement not possible before .
15 This paper emphasises some of the findings and lessons learned during early KBS work at British Airways and describes the value the approach has given to the shaping of current work being carried out in KBS applications for aircraft maintenance .
16 An experiment using silicic acid , and being carried out in a laboratory 5 metres away through a brick wall , affected the normal pattern of salt crystals being observed in Dr Reid 's laboratory .
17 Official statements said that no art restoration work was being carried out in the Chapel at the time of the fire .
18 French was given priority in administration , education and broadcasting , little or no education being carried out in local languages .
19 ‘ An important modern task is being carried out in harness with an ancient woodland system , ’ he said .
20 His trip was a mark of recognition for the humanitarian work being carried out in former Yugoslavia by 2,500 British troops in Operation Grapple and countless civilians co-ordinating and delivering aid .
21 Dehorning programmes are being carried out in parts of Africa to reduce the poaching .
22 So , we can think of different modules from Dennett 's flow-chart as being stored and functioning in the same place in the machine , just as we can think of different levels of translation of programming language as being carried out in the same place in the machine .
23 Sampling is currently being carried out in North Wales .
24 Trials are currently being carried out in 12 areas involving 62,000 properties to assess its effects .
25 Open exhibition spaces will have to be air- conditioned and a number of experiments on how to achieve this are being carried out in the Bioclimatic Rotonda , located at the Expo office compound .
26 Most of the 38 protocols approved for genetic therapy are being carried out in the United States on patients with cancer .
27 Two years ago we reported on the seismic survey work being carried out in the Solent to determine if oil drilling there would be profitable .
28 Christ 's will for his Church , that they should be one ( John 17:21 ) , was being carried out in the Christian community at Antioch .
29 Further evidence about the amount of cognitive planning being carried out in fluent and hesitant phases of spontaneous speech comes from studies of the gaze patterns of a speaker .
30 There is a genuine exchange , a genuine sale and a genuine investment company , the whole transaction being carried out in a way which the Act , in express terms , provides for .
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