Example sentences of "because [pers pn] feel the " in BNC.

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1 Souness said : ‘ Bruce will play because I feel the time is right .
2 Yes it does , yes , which quickly eats up er into a call , I mean we 're not going to put the phone down on anybody because we feel the call is expensive or anything , er we will always wait until the child her , themselves puts the phone down .
3 WARWICKSHIRE have decided not to select Allan Donald in the Sunday League this summer because they feel the fast bowler has been over-played by South Africa in recent months .
4 Thus the dead hand of the past presses heavily on the head of the present and gives corporate criminals a genuine sense of irresponsibility because they feel the corporation acting through them as mere passive intermediaries .
5 They say they 've taken this unusual step because they feel the Standard Assessment Tests or SATS are worthless .
6 erm Magistrates only send people to prison because they feel the circumstances of the case justify it and erm I think in the public mind erm the criticism is more often the reverse , that Magistrates are too soft , and I 've heard Lord Hailsham say more than once that if we do pay a price for the lay magistrate system it is leniency because what happens , and the difference between the lay magistrate system and the stipendiary system or the Crown Court system is that Magistrates do sit in threes , and what that tends to do is lead to compromises in sentence because discussion between three people irons out extreme views and you do tend to end up with a very well considered compromise view , which probably does tend to be more lenient than a sentence imposed by any one person who might himself take a very serious view of the circumstances .
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