Example sentences of "may result in the " in BNC.

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1 Our investigations indicate that charcoal promotes the oxidation of solid sodium borohydride in air and that the consequent self-heating may result in the ignition of charcoal and hydrogen — hydrogen being produced by thermal decomposition of sodium borohydride .
2 If severe , this may result in the diabetic lipaemia that is particularly seen in poorly controlled or newly diagnosed diabetics ( Bagdade et al , 1967 ) .
3 Early encashment values are not guaranteed and may result in the amount received being less than the original investment ( please refer to the table below ) .
4 Hybridisation may result in the expression of traits that are characteristic of one or the other parent , but genome mixing occurs regardless .
5 The congestion in the nose may result in the normal breathing pattern stopping entirely during sleep ( sleep apnoea ) .
6 This , however , may result in the seals coming to regard the call of the Killer whale as a dinner gong — with potentially fatal consequences .
7 It still represents a cost to the Exchequer and a loss of potential output , but it can be argued that it is not particularly distressing to the people concerned and , for the economy as a whole , it may actually result in a more efficient use of labour : this is because high short-run unemployment may be a reflection of greater mobility of labour between jobs and areas and consequently may result in the labour force being more suitably and productively employed .
8 Although technical barriers mainly arise in Germany and the Netherlands , the fact that they are relatively unapparent in other countries such as Spain and Italy does not mean that they do not present a potential threat , in so far as the removal of structural barriers to takeovers may result in the creation of technical barriers as companies react to defend themselves .
9 ‘ Omnis ’ are very good at capturing the general atmosphere of a location but , since they are not directionally selective , unwanted sound coming from sources outside the picture area may result in the shots being spoiled .
10 Any such conflict may result in the rejection of the idea by those who need to benefit from it .
11 For instance , if a reorganisation or modernisation of the current site is carried out this may result in the space savings required .
12 If they voice this concern to the general practitioner or health visitor this may result in the first step being taken in the identification of a visual problem , but unfortunately there can be instances in which the defective vision is not detected until the child has a pre-school medical .
13 It is tolerant of most water conditions , although very hard water may result in the fish 's eyes becoming cloudy .
14 On the one hand , variations in the supply of heroin resulting from police crackdowns on dealers or occasional droughts may result in the short-term increase of take-up of detoxification facilities as users try to ‘ top up ’ the shortfall in street supplies .
15 Even if your reaction is mild , it 's worth remembering that repeated exposure to foods that cause allergic reactions may result in the symptoms getting gradually worse .
16 Separate laterosternites are sometimes found at the sides of the eusternum and fusion of the sternal and pleural regions may result in the formation of precoxal and postcoxal bridges .
17 This can be a costly solution because it may result in the involvement of staff who must forgo their needed rest period or the employment of nurses from an inappropriate grade .
18 ( i ) The presence or absence of residual ischaemia ( ii ) The safe heart rate to which the patient can exercise ( iii ) The likelihood of arrhythmias developing during exercise ( iv ) The blood pressure response to exercise ( some patients show a paradoxical fall in blood pressure with exercise , and this is an adverse prognostic feature and may result in the patient developing quite severe orthostatic hypotension after an exercise session ) ( v ) Current fitness level from which the patient 's exercise tolerance can be derived Most hospital-based or community-based exercise programmes for coronary patients are based on circuit training .
19 For example , to commit an account of an incident to paper is to endow it with a permanence and visibility to senior staff which may result in the creation of further — seemingly unnecessary — work .
20 This pressure may result in the maintenance of a set of norms — including linguistic norms — which then flourish in opposition to publicly legitimized norms .
21 Based on results from the present investigation and those described by others ( 11,29–32 ) it appears that alternative splicing of tenascin mRNA may result in the expression of at least 8 variants of tenascin ( Fig. 7 ) .
22 A point could be reached where the cost of meeting such conditions may result in the development of the site being delayed or abandoned .
23 But equally , the buried incestuous temptation invoked by the seductive mother may result in the same man being profoundly moved and sexually attracted to distressed women for whom he has no emotional responsibility .
24 For example , in 1990 the European Community and the Soviet Union were working on a joint nuclear safety programme which may result in the closing , or radical upgrading , of up to 25 Soviet nuclear reactors .
25 The student should avoid breaking new ground on his own as this may result in the formation of bad habits rather than good ones .
26 Heavy rainfall and the leaching out of iron salts may result in the formation of iron pans and podsolised soils ; these are poorly drained and may lead to the formation of upland bogs and blanket peat .
27 If main classes are unbalanced in size and more subdivisions are made in some classes than others ( to cater for the extensive literature of a larger subject ) , then long notations may result in the ‘ larger ’ areas .
28 With initial equilibrium at and , a large fall in Β may result in the wage falling below the critical minimum required for union existence .
29 Failure to do so may result in the Regional Council reclaiming up to 100% of the registration , course and examination fees paid .
30 Failure to observe them may result in the withdrawal of occupational sick pay and/or statutory sick pay .
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