Example sentences of "'s commitment to the " in BNC.

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1 Joanne 's commitment to the next 12 months will leave her little time for the hobbies that she enjoyed before tennis came along .
2 However , Gerry Collins , the Irish minister for foreign affairs , later made it clear that progress had been made and he reaffirmed his Government 's commitment to the Anglo-Irish agreement .
3 Mrs Thatcher was at pains to emphasise the Government 's commitment to the National Health Service .
4 It is the management 's commitment to the principle of neighbourhood policing which affords Easton 's unit the autonomy and time to devote themselves to work other than crime control .
5 Having succeeded to Britain 's traditional role as the maritime power , the US this century has inherited Britain 's commitment to the balance of power in Europe .
6 Calling the deportation a sovereign act , Mr Capobianco said the move was ‘ a demonstration before the international community ’ of Bolivia 's commitment to the war against drugs .
7 One witness had disappeared , two more had been intimidated ; doubts were aroused about the ANC 's commitment to the rule of law .
8 The price was a tacit understanding that certain assumptions could not be questioned , in particular the leading role of the Communist Party and Hungary 's commitment to the Warsaw Pact alliance .
9 Mrs Bottomley reaffirmed the Government 's commitment to the NHS .
10 The second structure , involved in the line of dialogue round the graveside , is more exposing , for it really tests each participant 's commitment to the affective aspect of the event .
11 The Conservative Party 's commitment to the environment is beyond doubt .
12 Indeed Pascal 's commitment to the outsider would seem to entail that even if the possibility of God 's existence were extremely small , the choice of belief should be made .
13 Sales and Marketing Director , Paul Pinsky emphasised the company 's commitment to the clay tiles market : ‘ Bedworth is one of the most advanced and sophisticated clay tile plants in the world .
14 Further evidence of Volvo 's commitment to the environment is the CFC-free 850 and the use of life-cycle analysis to assess overall environmental impact .
15 Charterail 's demise would be a blow to the Government 's entire rail privatisation strategy ; doubt has been cast on BR 's commitment to the private sector
16 The sooner the markets develop confidence in the Government 's commitment to the ERM , the sooner it will be possible to get our interest rates down as well , and thus provide a much-needed boost for companies ' ability to invest for the future .
17 The sooner the markets develop confidence in the Government 's commitment to the ERM , the sooner it will be possible to get our interest rates down and thus provide a much-needed boost for companies ' ability to invest for the future
18 Audit committees are only as good as their members : they will help to enhance standards of corporate governance only if they are made up of truly independent non-executive directors with the experience , the skill and the commitment to : challenge knowledgeably , incisively and fearlessly the actions and judgments of management as they relate to the financial reporting process ; monitor actively management 's commitment to the maintenance of an effective system of internal control ; support the auditors by encouraging them to discuss their findings and views freely ; and act independently and objectively in helping to resolve differences of view between auditors and management .
19 Continuity of employment and the company 's commitment to the new area are of great importance .
20 I would suggest that in each case the strength of the association is a measure of each culture 's commitment to the overcoming of adversity through aggressive or violent acts .
21 Socialists differed among themselves over how far their party 's commitment to the Republic should go , some looking merely to strengthen ‘ bourgeois democracy ’ while others regarded the Republic as the anteroom to socialism .
22 A press advert for his current EP , ‘ Fear Loves This Place ’ , made further allegations concerning Axl Rose 's duet with Elton John at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert earlier this summer and questioned U2 's commitment to the anti-nuclear lobby .
23 De Gaulle had accepted France 's commitment to the EEC .
24 Sir William Haley , Director-General from 1944 to 1952 , was a self-made man whose career started as a telephonist on The Times , and he had much of Reith 's commitment to the enlightening and educative value of broadcasting .
25 Whatever happens , Olivetti 's commitment to the MIPS-based technology it already employs is not in question .
26 Slater echoed industry doubts about Intel 's commitment to the unsuccessful device , which Olivetti was going to use to build a workstation until the last minute when it scrapped the whole project in favour of DEC 's Alpha ( UX No 390 ) .
27 Their social and economic pre-eminence was just beginning to seem more precarious and they wholeheartedly welcomed vigorous confirmation of the regime 's commitment to the status quo .
28 The structural changes made inevitable by the Stock Exchange 's commitment to the reform of its rulebook had equally profound implications for investor protection which strengthened even further the government 's resolve to do something .
29 Mansell 's commitment to the job has led some to suggest he is too brave for his own good .
30 This marks the Royal Mail 's commitment to the environment .
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