Example sentences of "'s commitment to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The move takes the glitter off President Bush 's call at the United Nation 's last month for immediate steps to ‘ halt and reverse ’ the worldwide threat of chemical weapons , and indicates that Mr Bush 's commitment to a poison gas ban is not so ‘ extraordinarily strong ’ as he and his advisors have declared .
2 Mr Lawson 's reaffirmation of the Government 's commitment to a strong pound coupled with discreet intervention by the Bank of England also helped to underpin sterling .
3 Kaunda 's commitment to a multi- or non-tribal society eventually alienated Kapwepwe whose support base lay much more firmly amongst the Bemba .
4 The moves will be seen as further evidence of Mr De Klerk 's commitment to a political , rather than a military , solution to the country 's long-running crisis .
5 The moves will be seen as further evidence of Mr De Klerk 's commitment to a political , rather than a military , solution to the country 's long-running crisis .
6 Colleges serve as a integrating force for these purposes to the rest of the sector and also express the Roman Catholic Church 's commitment to a presence in Higher Education .
7 The Government 's commitment to a positive reform of the law will weaken in view of the apparent lack of consensus .
8 In this context , we urge you to maintain your government 's commitment to a constant search for the truth in all the affairs of the nation , especially in your analysis of the deep social and institutional causes which provoked the military uprising of a sector of the armed forces .
9 This development certainly would , and it again raises doubts about the validity of the Government 's commitment to a voluntary principle in the conservation of our natural heritage .
10 Nevertheless , the whole review programme was testimony to the school 's commitment to a continuous self-evaluation policy as integral to its decision-making process .
11 It is a disappointment that there are to be 600 redundancies , but there is a continuing significant level of employment in defence at Barrow which is dependent on it and which has been sustained by the Government 's commitment to a strong defence .
12 I would put Labour 's commitment to a citizens charter roughly in that category .
13 That is simply inimical to this party 's commitment to a democratic , powerful and responsible European Parliament .
14 I am grateful for my right hon. Friend 's statement because it demonstrates the Government 's commitment to a better equipped fleet for the future , even though the fleet manpower is contracting , and because jobs will be provided in the Portsmouth travel-to-work area .
15 Farmer 's commitment to a mainland racing programme will restrict his racing at home to short circuits , when time will permit .
16 The government 's commitment to a new constitutional dispensation which would include blacks had been indicated in de Klerk 's speech of Feb. 2 .
17 A statement in early September 1989 by the National Assembly Speaker , Saadi Medhi Saleh , had referred to the regime 's commitment to a multiparty system , although decisions regarding the political forces which would be permitted to take part in it would be left to the " near future " .
18 The announcement , regarded by analysts as a reversal of Egypt 's commitment to a regional defence pact , was reportedly due to Egypt 's opposition to the involvement of non-Arab powers , including Iran and Turkey , in regional security arrangements .
19 On June 10 a spokeswoman for the US State Department dispelled speculation about a possible reversal of the administration 's aid policy by saying that the USA would continue to withhold the sale of conventional military hardware until it had received proof of Pakistan 's commitment to a peaceful nuclear programme .
20 Analysts interpreted Masri 's appointment as an indication of King Hussein 's commitment to a liberal democracy [ see pp. 37052 ; 37392-93 ] and to recent efforts to revive a Middle East peace process [ see pp. 38116-17 ; 38210 ] .
21 Reaffirming his administration 's commitment to a streamlined nuclear force , Bush announced that he was placing all strategic nuclear forces under a single commander .
22 The plenum rejected demands for " extraordinary measures " ( the reimposition of authoritarian Communist Party rule ) and reaffirmed the party 's commitment to a transition to a market-based economy [ see p. 38131 ] .
23 Goumba , who questioned the government 's commitment to a national conference , also said that items had been deleted from the meeting 's agenda , dealing with the media and an electoral code , while President André Kolingba in his New Year address had spoken of the February conference as a " broad national debate " which " can not be a sovereign national conference " .
24 Viljoen argued that the ANC 's commitment to a single-chamber constituent assembly would amount to a " simple majoritarian [ sic ] system " which ran contrary to the government 's " power-sharing " approach .
25 The 700 delegates approved a series of wide-ranging policies which highlighted the organization 's commitment to a democratic , accountable , bicameral parliament and which also emphasized the necessity for a bill of rights .
26 The party debate on the issue resulted in a statement from the Scottish executive at the weekend underlining the party 's commitment to a Scottish parliament which would return the water and sewerage service to public ownership .
27 The £230 million package to provide more than 100,000 new opportunities for the long-term unemployed and the , widely expected , go-ahead for joint Government/private sector involvement in the three huge capital projects were also seen as underlining Mr Lamont 's commitment to a Budget for Jobs .
28 Joanne 's commitment to the next 12 months will leave her little time for the hobbies that she enjoyed before tennis came along .
29 However , Gerry Collins , the Irish minister for foreign affairs , later made it clear that progress had been made and he reaffirmed his Government 's commitment to the Anglo-Irish agreement .
30 Mrs Thatcher was at pains to emphasise the Government 's commitment to the National Health Service .
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